UnrealIRCd 4.0.10-rc1 released

News about the UnrealIRCd project, including release announcements
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UnrealIRCd head coder
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UnrealIRCd 4.0.10-rc1 released

Post by Syzop »

UnrealIRCd 4.0.10-rc1 has been released, this is the first release candidate for 4.0.10. Please help us test this release so we can release a stable 4.0.10. Nine new modules were added including an experimental websocket module.

  • Added "websocket" module. This provides support for WebSocket (RFC6455), allowing JavaScript (internet browsers) to connect directly to IRC without the need of a 'gateway'. This module is experimental and not loaded by default. See https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/WebSocket_support for more information. This module was sponsored by Aberrant Software Inc.
  • UnrealIRCd already has the ability to configure SSL settings via the set::ssl block. Now you can also override these settings for a link block and listen block. One possible use for this would be having a long-lived self-signed certificate for server linking on a serversonly port, and a short-lived certificate for your users on the other ports (such as a certificate from Let's Encrypt). Another example would be to force TLSv1.2 for server linking but not for users. Etc. Etc. General settings (already existed) are in the set::ssl block: https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Set_blo ... ertificate Per-port settings go via listen::ssl-options: https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Listen_block Per-link block settings go via link::outgoing::ssl-options: https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Link_block
  • You can now exempt IP's from (DNSBL) blacklist checking via: except blacklist { mask; };
  • All free modules from vulnscan.org (by Syzop) are now included in UnrealIRCd itself. Note that only the "privdeaf" and "jumpserver" modules are loaded by default. The others you will need to load explicitly. The new modules are:
Major issues fixed
  • Compile fixes for Ubuntu 16 LTS / gcc 5.4.x
  • Crash if you had an invalid crypt password in your unrealircd.conf
  • Crash if you did not load the chanmodes/nocolor module or changed the order in which modules were loaded
Minor issues fixed
  • WHO now supports multi-prefix
  • Delayjoin (channel mode +D) sending QUITs for hidden users & more
  • Date in Windows log file for the first few messages was always 1970.
  • You no longer need to place 'class' blocks before 'allow' blocks
For services and module coders:
  • Services coders: "SVSMODE Nick +d" will now mark a client as deaf. Don't confuse this with "SVSMODE Nick +d <svid>". The parameter makes all the difference.
  • Module coders: changed return value handling of HOOKTYPE_RAWPACKET_IN -1 indicates to stop parsing (return) and 0 indicates don't parse but proceed to next packet. If you kill a client in this hook then be sure to return -1.
As always, you can download UnrealIRCd from www.unrealircd.org.
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