UnrealIRCd 5.0.3 which was released last Saturday turned out to introduce a new crash bug. The download has now been replaced with
- For users using 5.0.0/5.0.1/5.0.2: no additional action is needed as this issue only affects 5.0.3 (this assumes you already installed the "hot patch" from Saturday)
- For users running 5.0.3: simply fix the issue without requiring a restart, by running this command in your UnrealIRCd directory:
Code: Select all
./unrealircd hot-patch historycrash
- For new installations (and also for Windows users) you can install the newly released
- For UnrealIRCd 4.x users: No action needed
For the original 5.0.3 release notes and general UnrealIRCd 5 information, see here.
Additional information on the hot patch
Go to your UnrealIRCd directory and then run the patch command:
Code: Select all
cd /home/youraccount/unrealircd
./unrealircd hot-patch historycrash
Code: Select all
Patch applied successfully and installed. Rehashing your IRCd...
Rehashing UnrealIRCd
Done! All should be good now.