First time setting up an IRC, error linking services

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Posts: 8
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First time setting up an IRC, error linking services

Post by Howdy »

When I try to run my services I get the error:

Code: Select all

*** LocOps -- Link denied for[email protected]) (No link block named '') [@]
Now this error is obviously telling me there isn't a link block, but, there is.
Now I could be wrong as this is my first time, but this is my link block:

Code: Select all

    username        *;
    hostname        *;
    bind-ip        *;
    port            *;
    hub            *;
    password-connect        "hidden";
    password-receive    "hidden";
    class            servers;
And the Anope file:

Code: Select all

ServerName  ""
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Edit: the error no longer appears in the irc, but in the log file I get

Code: Select all

[Oct 23 16:08:59.276938 2010] debug: Received: : NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...
[Oct 23 16:08:59.277007 2010] debug: Received: : NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname (cached)
[Oct 23 16:08:59.942032 2010] debug: Received: ERROR :Link denied (No matching link configuration) [@]
[Oct 23 16:08:59.942078 2010] debug: Link denied (No matching link configuration) [@]
[Oct 23 16:08:59.942093 2010] Error: Your IRCD's link block may not be setup correctly, please check unrealircd.conf
[Oct 23 16:08:59.942196 2010] debug: Received: ERROR :Closing Link: [] (Link denied (No matching link configuration))
[Oct 23 16:08:59.942211 2010] debug: Closing Link: [] (Link denied (No matching link configuration))
[Oct 23 16:08:59.942221 2010] Error: Your IRCD's link block may not be setup correctly, please check unrealircd.conf
Head of Support
Posts: 2085
Joined: Tue Jun 15, 2004 8:50 pm
Location: Chino Hills, CA, US

Re: First time setting up an IRC, error linking services

Post by Stealth »

Everything looks correct. Have you tried rehashing Unreal since adding the link block? Do /rehash and look for any errors.
Posts: 8
Joined: Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:56 pm

Re: First time setting up an IRC, error linking services

Post by Howdy »

I have rehashed, it outputs:

Code: Select all

22* unrealircd.conf :Rehashing
22* *** Notice -- Loading IRCd configuration ..
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:277: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:277: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:278: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:278: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:278: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:278: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:278: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:278: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:278: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:278: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:279: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:279: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:279: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:279: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:279: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:279: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:279: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:279: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:279: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:279: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:280: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:280: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:280: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:280: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:281: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:281: Ignoring extra data
22* *** Notice -- unrealircd.conf:276: unknown directive NEW:
22* *** Notice -- Configuration loaded without any problems ..
But when running services, I still get:

Code: Select all

[Oct 23 17:14:38.257901 2010] debug: Received: ERROR :Link denied (No matching link configuration) [@]
[Oct 23 17:14:38.257936 2010] debug: Link denied (No matching link configuration) [@]
[Oct 23 17:14:38.257968 2010] Error: Your IRCD's link block may not be setup correctly, please check unrealircd.conf
Head of Support
Posts: 2085
Joined: Tue Jun 15, 2004 8:50 pm
Location: Chino Hills, CA, US

Re: First time setting up an IRC, error linking services

Post by Stealth »

It seems your link block must be in that chunk of extra data it ignores. The best thing to do is delete ALL the useless comments and other garbage in the conf, then rehash again. Your conf should only contain configuration.
Posts: 8
Joined: Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:56 pm

Re: First time setting up an IRC, error linking services

Post by Howdy »

Doing that seemed to cause a few extra errors, I may have accidently erased extra information, here's my config file (commented stuff still there), there may be some obvious error i'm missing

Code: Select all

 * example.conf by Daniel Hawton AKA Osiris ([email protected]).
 * $Id: example.conf,v 2009/04/13 11:03:55 syzop Exp $
 * Works for Unreal3.2 and up
 * Okay guys.  This is the new example.conf. Its look is much like C++, kinda.
 * Anyway it is time to go over this.  It's hard to pick up at first, but
 * with some pratice and reading you'll understand.
 * Just copy this file to your main unrealircd dir and call it 'unrealircd.conf'.
 * NOTE:  All lines, except the opening { line, end in an ;, including the
 * closing } line. The IRCd will ignore commented lines.
 * PLEASE READ doc/unreal32docs.html! The online version is also available at:
 * It contains a lot information about the configfile: gives information about
 * every block, variable, etc..
 * If you try to edit this file without reading the documentation properly
 * then you are pretty much guaranteed to fail!

/* Type of comments */
#Comment type 1 (Shell type)
// Comment type 2(C++ style)
/* Comment type 3 (C Style) */
#those lines are ignored by the ircd.

 * UnrealIRCd supports modules, loading some of them is required.
 * You need at least the commands module and a cloaking module.

/* FOR *NIX, uncomment the following 2lines: */
loadmodule "src/modules/";
loadmodule "src/modules/";

/* FOR Windows, uncomment the following 2 lines: */
//loadmodule "modules/commands.dll";
//loadmodule "modules/cloak.dll";

 * You can also include other configuration files.
 * help.conf contains all the /helpop text. The badwords.*.conf
 * files contain all the badword entries for mode +G...
 * spamfilter.conf contains some good rules for current trojans.
 * You probably want to include them:
include "help.conf";
include "";
include "badwords.message.conf";
include "badwords.quit.conf";
include "spamfilter.conf";

 * NEW: me {} 
 * OLD: M:Line 
 * me {} defines the name, description and unreal server numeric for
 * this server. Syntax is as follows: 
 * me { 
 *  name ""; 
 *  info "Server Description";
 *  numeric (server numeric*);
 * }; 
 * If linking, this numeric may not be used by any other server on the network.
    name "";
    info "Sourcebin";
    numeric 1;

 * NEW: admin {} 
 * OLD: A:Line
 * Admin gives information on the server admin. you
 * may put as many lines under admin { as you wish. 
 * Syntax is as follows:
 * admin {
 *   "first line"; 
 *   "second line"; 
 *   [etc]
 * };
admin {
    "[email protected]";

 * NEW: class {} 
 * OLD: Y:line (old was confusing) 
 * These define settings for classes. A class is a group setting for 
 * connections. Example, server connections, instead of going to a client's
 * class, you direct it to the server class. Syntax is as follows
 * class (class name)
 * {
 *     pingfreq (how often to ping a user/server in seconds);
 *     maxclients (how many connections for this class);
 *     sendq (maximum send queue from a connection);
 *     recvq (maximum receive queue from a connection [flood control]);
 *  };

class           clients
    pingfreq 90;
    maxclients 100;
    sendq 100000;
    recvq 8000;

class           servers
    pingfreq 90;
    maxclients 10;        /* Max servers we can have linked at a time */
    sendq 1000000;
    connfreq 100; /* How many seconds between each connection attempt */

 * NEW: allow {} 
 * OLD: I:Line
 * This defines allowing of connections...
 * Basically for clients, it allows them to connect so you can have some
 * control and/or set a password. 
 * Syntax is as follows: 
 * allow {
 *    ip (ip mask to allow);
 *    hostname (host mask);
 *    class (class to send them to [see class {}]);
 *    password "(password)"; (optional)
 *    maxperip (how many connections per ip); (optional) 
 * };

allow {
    ip             *@*;
    hostname       *@*;
    class           clients;
    maxperip 5;

/* Passworded allow line */
allow {
    ip             *@;
    hostname       *@*.passworded.ugly.people;
    class           clients;
    password "f00Ness";
    maxperip 1;

 * NEW: allow channel {} 
 * OLD: chrestrict 
 * Allows a user to join a channel...
 * like an except from deny channel. 
 * Syntax:
 * allow channel {
 *   channel "channel name";
 * };
allow           channel {
    channel "#WarezSucks";

 * NEW: oper {} 
 * OLD: O:Line 
 * Defines an IRC Operator
 * IRC operators are there to keep sanity to the server and usually keep it
 * maintained and connected to the network. 
 * The syntax is as follows: 
 * oper (login) { 
 *     class (class to put them in, if different from I, moves them to new
 *                class); 
 *     from { 
 *        userhost (ident@host);
 *        userhost (ident@host);
 *     }; 
 *     flags
 *     { 
 *       (flags here*);
 *     };
 *     OR
 *     flags "old type flags, like OAaRD";
 * };

/* For a list of oper flags, see doc/unreal32docs.html#operblock
 * [HIGHLY recommended to read]

oper Howdy {
    class           clients;
    from {
    password "hidden";

 * NEW: listen {}
 * OLD: P:Line
 * This defines a port for the ircd to bind to, to
 * allow users/servers to connect to the server. 
 * Syntax is as follows:
 * listen (ip number):(port number) 
 * { 
 *   options {
 *     (options here);
 *   };
 * };
 * or for a plain
 * listen: listen (ip):(port);
 * NOTICE: for ipv6 ips (3ffe:b80:2:51d::2 etc), use listen [ip]:port;
 * That works also.

/* Options for listen:
    OLD    |     NEW
    S        serversonly
    C        clientsonly
    J        java
    s        ssl
    *        standard

/* NOTE ON SSL PORTS: SSL ports are pretty non-standardized,
 * besides numerous high-SSL ports, some people say you should run
 * it at 994 because that's the official SSL port.. but that
 * requires root! Besides, port 194 is the official irc port and
 * have you ever seen an ircd running on that?
 * So, our suggestion is to use port 6697 for SSL, this is used by
 * quite some networks and is recognized by for example StunTour.
 * You are free to open up as many SSL ports as you want, but
 * by (also) using 6697 you help the world standardize a bit ;).


/* NOTE: If you are on an IRCd shell with multiple IP's you are
 *       likely to get 'Address already in use' errors in your log
 *       and the ircd won't start. This means you MUST bind
 *       to a specific IP instead of '*', so for example:
 *       listen;
 *       Obviously, replace the IP with the IP that was assigned to you.

  NEW: link {}
  OLD: C/N:Lines
  This defines an okay for a server connection.
  Syntax is as follows:
    username        *;
    hostname        *;
    bind-ip        *;
    port            *;
    hub            hub;
    password-connect        "hidden";
    password-receive    "hidden";
    class            servers;

    OLD    |    NEW
    S        ssl
    Z        zip
    N/A        autoconnect
    N/A        quarantine
    N/A        nodnscache

 * NEW: ulines {}
 * OLD: U:Line
 * U-lines give servers more power/commands, this should ONLY be set
 * for services/stats servers and NEVER for normal UnrealIRCd servers!
 * Syntax is as follows:
 * ulines {
 *    (server to uline);
 *    (server to uline);
 *  [etc]
 * };
ulines {;;

 * NEW: drpass {}
 * OLD: X:Line
 * This defines the passwords for /die and /restart.
 * Syntax is as follows:
 * drpass { 
 *  restart        "(password for restarting)";
 *  die                "(password for die)";
 * };
drpass {
    restart "hidden";
    die "hidden";

 * NEW: log {} OLD: N/A Tells the ircd where and what to log(s). You can have
 * as many as you wish.
 * FLAGS: errors, kills, tkl, connects, server-connects, kline, oper
 * Syntax: 
 * log "log file" 
 * {
 *    flags
 *    {
 *        flag;
 *        flag; 
 *        etc.. 
 *    }; 
 * };

log "ircd.log" {
    /* Delete the log file and start a new one when it reaches 2MB, leave this out to always use the 
       same log */
    maxsize 2097152;
    flags {

 * NEW: alias {}
 * OLD: N/A
 * This allows you to set command aliases such as /nickserv, /chanserv etc
 * FLAGS: services, stats, normal
 * Syntax:
 * alias "name" {
 *    target "points to";
 *    type aliastype;
 * };
 * [NOTE: You could also include a pre-defined alias file here, see doc/unreal32docs.html section 2.9]

// This points the command /nickserv to the user NickServ who is connected to the set::services-server server
/*alias NickServ {
    target "NickServ";
    type services;

// If you want the command to point to the same nick as the command, you can leave the nick entry out
//alias ChanServ { type services; };

// Points the /statserv command to the user StatServ on the set::stats-server server
//alias StatServ { type stats; };

// Points the /superbot command to the user SuperBot
//alias SuperBot { type normal; };

/* Standard aliases */
alias NickServ { type services; };
alias ChanServ { type services; };
alias OperServ { type services; };
alias HelpServ { type services; };
alias StatServ { type stats; };

 * NEW: alias {}
 * OLD: N/A
 * This allows you to set command aliases such as /identify, /services, etc
 * Syntax:
 * alias "name" {
 *    format "format string" {
 *        target "points to";
 *              type aliastype;
 *        parameters "parameters to send";
 *    };
 *    type command;
 * };
/* This is shown seperately because even though it has teh same name as the previous directive, it is very
 * different in syntax, although it provides a similar function and relys on the standard aliases to work.
alias "identify" {
    format "^#" {
        target "chanserv";
        type services;
        parameters "IDENTIFY %1-";
    format "^[^#]" {
        target "nickserv";
        type services;
        parameters "IDENTIFY %1-";
    type command;
/* The alias::format directive is a regular expression. The first format matches the /identify command when
 * the first character is a #. It then passes this along to the chanserv alias with the parameters IDENTIFY
 * %1-. The second format matches then /identify command when the first character is not a #. It then
 * passes the command to the nickserv alias with parameters IDENTIFY %1-.

/* The alias::format::parameters is similar to scripting languages. %N (where N is a number) represents a
 * parameter sent to the command (in this case /identify). If you specify %N- it means all parameters from
 * N until the last parameter in the string. You may also specify %n which is replaced by
 * the user's nickname.

/* Standard aliases */
alias "services" {
    format "^#" {
        target "chanserv";
        type services;
        parameters "%1-";
    format "^[^#]" {
        target "nickserv";
        type services;
        parameters "%1-";
    type command;

alias "identify" {
    format "^#" {
        target "chanserv";
        type services;
        parameters "IDENTIFY %1-";
    format "^[^#]" {
        target "nickserv";
        type services;
        parameters "IDENTIFY %1-";
    type command;

/* This is an example of a real command alias */
/* This maps /GLINEBOT to /GLINE <parameter> 2d etc... */
alias "glinebot" {
    format ".+" {
        command "gline";
        type real;
        parameters "%1 2d Bots are not allowed on this server, please read the faq at";
    type command;

/* note: you can just delete the example block above,
 * in which case the defaults motd/rules files (ircd.motd, ircd.rules)
 * will be used for everyone.

 * NEW: ban nick {}
 * OLD: Q:Line
 * Bans a nickname, so it can't be used.
 * Syntax is as follows:
 * ban nick {
 *    mask "(nick to ban)";
 *    reason "(reason)";
 * };
ban nick {
    mask "*C*h*a*n*S*e*r*v*";
    reason "Reserved for Services";
 * NEW: ban ip {}
 * OLD: Z:Line
 * Bans an ip from connecting to the network.
 * Syntax:
 * ban ip { mask (ip number/hostmask); reason "(reason)"; };
ban ip {
    reason "Delinked server";
 * NEW: ban server {}
 * OLD: Server Q:Line
 * Disables a server from connecting to the network.
 * if the server links to a remote server, local server
 * will disconnect from the network.
 * Syntax is as follows:
 * ban server {
 *    mask "(server name)";
 *    reason "(reason to give)";
 * };

ban server {
    reason "Get out of here.";
 * NEW: ban user {}
 * OLD: K:Line
 * This makes it so a user from a certain mask can't connect
 * to your server.
 * Syntax:
 * ban user { mask (hostmask/ip number); reason "(reason)"; };

ban user {
    mask *tirc@*;
        reason "Idiot";

 * NEW: ban realname {}
 * OLD: n:Line
 * This bans a certain realname from being used.
 * Syntax:
 * ban realname {
 *    mask "(real name)";
 *     reason "(reason)";
 * };

ban realname {
    mask "Swat Team";
    reason "mIRKFORCE";

ban realname {
    mask "sub7server";
    reason "sub7";

 * NOTE FOR ALL BANS, they may be repeated for addition entries!
 * NEW: except ban {} 
 * OLD: E:Line
 * This makes it so you can't get banned. 
 * Syntax:
 * except ban { mask (ident@host); };
 * Repeat the except ban {} as many times
 * as you want for different hosts.

except ban {
    /* don't ban stskeeps */
    mask           *stskeeps@212.*;

 * NEW: deny dcc {} 
 * OLD: dccdeny.conf
 * Use this to block dcc send's... stops
 * viruses better. 
 * Syntax: 
 * deny dcc 
 * { 
 *   filename "file to block (ie, *exe)";
 *   reason "reason";
 * };
deny dcc {
    filename "*sub7*";
    reason "Possible Sub7 Virus";

 * NEW: deny channel {}
 * OLD: N/A (NEW)
 * This blocks channels from being joined.
 * Syntax:
 * deny channel {
 *     channel "(channel)";
 *     reason "reason";
 * };
deny channel {
    channel "*warez*";
    reason "Warez is illegal";

 * NEW: vhost {}
 * OLD: Vhost.conf file
 * This sets a fake ip for non-opers, or
 * opers too lazy to /sethost :P
 * Syntax:  
 *   vhost { 
 *       vhost (; 
 *       from {
 *            userhost (ident@host to allow to use it);
 *       };
 *       login (login name);
 *       password (password);
 *   };
 *        then to use this vhost, do /vhost (login) (password) in IRC
vhost {
    vhost ;
    from {
        userhost       *@*;
    login           stskeeps;
    password        moocowsrulemyworld;

/* You can include other configuration files */
/* include "klines.conf"; */

/* Network configuration */
set {
    network-name         "Sourcebin";
    default-server         "";
    services-server     "";
    stats-server         "";
    help-channel         "#sourcebin";
    hiddenhost-prefix    "hidden";
    /* prefix-quit         "no"; */
    /* Cloak keys should be the same at all servers on the network.
     * They are used for generating masked hosts and should be kept secret.
     * The keys should be 3 random strings of 5-100 characters
     * (10-20 chars is just fine) and must consist of lowcase (a-z),
     * upcase (A-Z) and digits (0-9) [see first key example].
     * HINT: On *NIX, you can run './unreal gencloak' in your shell to let
     *       Unreal generate 3 random strings for you.
    cloak-keys {
    /* on-oper host */
    hosts {
        local        "";
        global        "";
        coadmin        "";
        admin        "";
        servicesadmin     "";
        netadmin     "";
        host-on-oper-up "no";

/* Server specific configuration */

set {
        kline-address [email protected];
    modes-on-connect "+ixw";
    modes-on-oper     "+xwgs";
    oper-auto-join "#opers";
    options {
        /* You can enable ident checking here if you want */
        /* identd-check; */

    maxchannelsperuser 10;
    /* The minimum time a user must be connected before being allowed to use a QUIT message,
     * This will hopefully help stop spam */
    anti-spam-quit-message-time 10s;
    /* Make the message in static-quit show in all quits - meaning no
           custom quits are allowed on local server */
    /* static-quit "Client quit";    */

    /* You can also block all part reasons by uncommenting this and say 'yes',
     * or specify some other text (eg: "Bye bye!") to always use as a comment.. */
    /* static-part yes; */

    /* This allows you to make certain stats oper only, use * for all stats,
     * leave it out to allow users to see all stats. Type '/stats' for a full list.
     * Some admins might want to remove the 'kGs' to allow normal users to list
     * klines, glines and shuns.
    oper-only-stats "okfGsMRUEelLCXzdD";

    /* Throttling: this example sets a limit of 3 connection attempts per 60s (per host). */
    throttle {
        connections 3;
        period 60s;

    /* Anti flood protection */
    anti-flood {
        nick-flood 3:60;    /* 3 nickchanges per 60 seconds (the default) */

    /* Spam filter */
    spamfilter {
        ban-time 1d; /* default duration of a *line ban set by spamfilter */
        ban-reason "Spam/Advertising"; /* default reason */
        virus-help-channel "#help"; /* channel to use for 'viruschan' action */
        /* except "#help"; channel to exempt from filtering */

 * Problems or need more help?
 * 1)
 * 2) <- contains 80% of your questions!
 * 3) If you still have problems you can go #unreal-support,
 *    note that we require you to READ THE DOCUMENTATION and FAQ first!
Head of Support
Posts: 2085
Joined: Tue Jun 15, 2004 8:50 pm
Location: Chino Hills, CA, US

Re: First time setting up an IRC, error linking services

Post by Stealth »

Giving your configuration a quick glance, it looks like you have some mismatched comments which are unintentionally commenting things, while at the same time uncommenting comments which is creating most of your errors.

The best thing you can do is start fresh with an easier example configuration. You can download my example configuration here which doesn't contain most of the unnecessary things as the example configuration that comes with Unreal. Simply edit what is already there, then add the options you need (like links and aliases).
Posts: 8
Joined: Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:56 pm

Re: First time setting up an IRC, error linking services

Post by Howdy »

When using your config I get the error:

Code: Select all

* *** Notice -- Loading IRCd configuration ..
* *** Notice -- error: ERROR: No cloaking module loaded. (hint: you probably want to load
* *** Notice -- error: If you are upgrading from 3.2 (or any older version), be sure to read the release notes or regarding the cloaking change!
* *** Notice -- error: IRCd configuration failed to pass testing
Not sure what this means.
Head of Support
Posts: 2085
Joined: Tue Jun 15, 2004 8:50 pm
Location: Chino Hills, CA, US

Re: First time setting up an IRC, error linking services

Post by Stealth »

You need to uncomment the proper modules for your OS (located towards the top of the conf, lines 17 through 23 in the original file)
Posts: 8
Joined: Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:56 pm

Re: First time setting up an IRC, error linking services

Post by Howdy »

Oh, completely ignored that part.

Okay, everythings running perfectly now, thanks so much for your help :)