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banning game links

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 7:36 pm
by William
I need to add a channel block for this: h**p://

*** Spamfilter added: 'http://www\..+\*' [target: cN] [action: block] [reason: Spam/advertising] on Fri May 21 19:27:30 2004 GMT (from [email protected])

Won't work.. *** Spamfilter added: '*linkconfigure\.php*link=*' [target: cN] [action: block] [reason: DAOW links are not to be said in channels] on Fri May 21 19:33:24 2004 GMT (from [email protected])

Won't work either.. so how can I do this?

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 9:35 pm
by codemastr
You need to understand what * does. It does not say "match anything" it says, "match 0 or more of the preceding character"

So of course when you place an * at the beginning it won't do as you expect, there is no preceding character! Try:


Also, make sure you have the target correct.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 3:00 am
by William
F cN block 0 77277 86400 DAOW_SPAM_IS_NOT_ALLOWED_USE_PM William{A}![email protected] http://www\..+\\.php?link=.+

I can't get it to work :\

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 3:44 pm
by Syzop
It should be: http://www\..+\.com/linkconfigure\.php\?link=.+

- you had \
- you forgot to escape '?'