Rehashing from the shell

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Joined: Fri Nov 19, 2004 10:12 pm

Rehashing from the shell

Post by Emeric »

I don't know much about Unix myself..basically just enough to hold my own. But on my network I was always able to use "./unreal rehash". At one point I had to restart my server so I used "./unreal restart". After that I was no longer able to use "./unreal rehash". I even tried doing manually what the unreal script seems to do for rehash "kill -1 <pidnumber>" but the IRCd didn't seem to be receiving the SIGHUP signal. I tried the "kill -1 <pidnumber>" method on another server I had installed on another shell that "./unreal rehash" was working on and it worked..then I tried restarting it with "./unreal restart" and afterwards "./unreal rehash" and using "kill -1 <pidnumber>" no longer worked on that one as well. Is there any way to fix this?
UnrealIRCd head coder
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Joined: Sat Mar 06, 2004 8:57 pm
Location: .nl

Post by Syzop »

Yup, there is some very weird bug there (incidently, anope has the same problem I heard).
It's already in as bug #2120
I suggest to continue any further discussion over there (additions, ideas, whatever).