Admins signs and options

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Admins signs and options

Post by mrandy »

Hi there!

I've been on another Unrealircd server where a couple of the chatters has ~ % & signs. How do I give myself those rights?
How do I give myself OP (@) on different channels where I aint a operator? I am a Ircnetwork admin though, I got all flags.

Regards, Andy.
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Re: Admins signs and options

Post by katsklaw »

Hey Andy,

~ means owner, & means protected and % means halfop and be default Unreal will compile them for use. However, lets talk about giving yourself op status on channel where you aren't on the op list. Many users frown upon that and you may run them off. Users such as myself view that as rude because it's my channel , not yours. You see, even if you own the network, the channel isn't yours. It belongs to the founder. Additionally, aside form being rude. If you are a NetAdmin, you have far more access to all channels even without having ops. You don't need to have a @ all the time in all channels. Let the channel ops take care of their own channel and you take care of the network to insure your users get the best chatting experience possible. there is a huge difference between channel management and server/network management and as an IRCop/Admin, it's not your job to manage other peoples channels for them. If a user starts acting a fool, let the ops take care of it until they violate a network policy, then in that case it's your issue to handle.
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Re: Admins signs and options

Post by Bunkerwaiss »

I think the answer that our friend is seeking is simpler than a lesson in ethics and behavior of an IRC Operator.
When compiling UnrealIRCd an option jumps asking if you want to add these prefixes for channel owner(~), channel SOP(&) and channel halfop(%), if you don't see these prefixes on your server's channels then it means that when the Unreal was installed, the compiler answered "NO" when asked if he wanted to compile with these prefixes.
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Re: Admins signs and options

Post by katsklaw »

To be clear, & means protected, not SOP. SOP or Super Operator is a services access level, not an ircd access level. While with most configurations SOP's do indeed get & automatically, it by no means is limited to SOP's only. Anyone can have & granted by either services or an owner by typing: /mode #Channel +a nick.
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