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save the commands typed clients irc to recognize the cloners

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 2:12 pm
by mecmec

Is there a system to record all commands typed on irc client? (to detect people typing commands to clone) (example: aliase block ?)

if there is no how they make great irc server to detect the ip of a guy who clone with proxys?

thank you.
sorry my english I'm french speaking no English

Re: save the commands typed clients irc to recognize the clo

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:06 pm
by katsklaw
No there isn't. However, the spamfilter can be used to react to commands being sent to users and/or channels so if you know what data you want to trigger as "clones" then the spam filter can ban users.

Example if there is an XYZ-UberCloner script that communicates with private messages, you can take action upon those messages.

Please see: ... spamfilter