Banning Users via unrealircd.conf

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Banning Users via unrealircd.conf

Post by rkinne »

Hi Folks:

I apologize. This should be a simple question, and I think I should be doing it right, by my server is acting like it is ignoring me.

I would like to ban a group of users from the irc server. They comes in on different IP addresses, so blocking the ip addresses via iptables has not been completely effective.

Looking at the ircd.log I noticed that the people that I want to ban all seem to have the same username (probably because they're coming in off of our web interface from the same place). They have the form "[email protected]". So I went into the unrealircd.conf file and wrote:

ban user {
/* mask *tirc@*;
reason "Idiot";
mask *!4176*;
reason "Testing..."; */
mask 41769*@rox-F483*;
reason "Testing...";

and restarted the server. They were still able to get in, and I verified via the ircd.log that the form of their username had not changed. I had no errors when I launched the chat server, so there wasn't any problem with a syntax error. It was like the server was simply ignoring that area of the config file.

I had a coworker sanity check what I wrote and he didn't see anything totally stupid, so I needed to come to you good folks.

What am I doing wrong? Why is the server ignoring this area of the unrealircd.config?

Doc Kinne
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Re: Banning Users via unrealircd.conf

Post by sabot »

Try having one ban user {} block per mask/reason.

I haven't tried this myself, so this is only a guess. good luck!
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Re: Banning Users via unrealircd.conf

Post by Syzop »

sabot : nah, the other ones are commented out, so that isn't the problem ;)

Ok, so basically, you have this:

Code: Select all

ban user {
mask 41769*@rox-F483*;
reason "Testing...";
The mask should be at username@host, so your syntax is right, except that 'host' in this case is the real host, not the cloaked host (rox-<hex numbers> is from cloaking).

What you probably want is:
mask *417694cb@*;

(the * in front of the mask is for when the user is not running an ident server)
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