emulated server connection failure question

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emulated server connection failure question

Post by evidid »

We have two private Unreal networks, both running v3.2.9 (I'll refer to these as network1 and network2 hereafter). Our staff had been utilizing an eggdrop bot running the ircd handler script 'ircd.tcl' by demond to monitor activity in a particular channel on network2 from a staff channel on network1. This system worked quite well for many years because it was a simple and handy way to produce a real-time log of activity within said channel on the other network.

Issue and question: When we upgraded both networks to Unreal v3.2.9, the ircd.tcl script could no longer establish a socket connection to network1 from the eggdrop on network2. Obviously something has changed in the way server connections are established by v3.2.9. From the eggdrop's perspective, we can see a socket 9 connection message followed by an eof message. But the connection never completes for whatever reason. Does anyone have an idea on how to resolve this issue without reverting to a former release of UnrealIRCd?

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Re: emulated server connection failure question

Post by G50 »

evidid wrote:We have two private Unreal networks, both running v3.2.9 (I'll refer to these as network1 and network2 hereafter). Our staff had been utilizing an eggdrop bot running the ircd handler script 'ircd.tcl' by demond to monitor activity in a particular channel on network2 from a staff channel on network1. This system worked quite well for many years because it was a simple and handy way to produce a real-time log of activity within said channel on the other network.

Issue and question: When we upgraded both networks to Unreal v3.2.9, the ircd.tcl script could no longer establish a socket connection to network1 from the eggdrop on network2. Obviously something has changed in the way server connections are established by v3.2.9. From the eggdrop's perspective, we can see a socket 9 connection message followed by an eof message. But the connection never completes for whatever reason. Does anyone have an idea on how to resolve this issue without reverting to a former release of UnrealIRCd?

Can you pastbin the socket part of the script ?
"Heart + Determination + Perserverence = Success"
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:58 am

Re: emulated server connection failure question

Post by evidid »

G50 wrote:
evidid wrote:We have two private Unreal networks, both running v3.2.9 (I'll refer to these as network1 and network2 hereafter). Our staff had been utilizing an eggdrop bot running the ircd handler script 'ircd.tcl' by demond to monitor activity in a particular channel on network2 from a staff channel on network1. This system worked quite well for many years because it was a simple and handy way to produce a real-time log of activity within said channel on the other network.

Issue and question: When we upgraded both networks to Unreal v3.2.9, the ircd.tcl script could no longer establish a socket connection to network1 from the eggdrop on network2. Obviously something has changed in the way server connections are established by v3.2.9. From the eggdrop's perspective, we can see a socket 9 connection message followed by an eof message. But the connection never completes for whatever reason. Does anyone have an idea on how to resolve this issue without reverting to a former release of UnrealIRCd?

Can you pastbin the socket part of the script ?
Here's the script:

Code: Select all

package require Tcl 8.0
package require eggdrop 1.6
package require http 2.0

namespace eval ircd {

variable version "ircd-eggdrop-2.4"

if [info exists ::ircd(name)] {variable myname $::ircd(name)} {variable myname "irc.somenetwork.net"}
if [info exists ::ircd(servers)] {variable servers $::ircd(servers)} {variable servers ""}
if [info exists ::ircd(servtype)] {variable servtype $::ircd(servtype)} {variable servtype "unreal"}
if [info exists ::ircd(servinfo)] {variable servinfo $::ircd(servinfo)} {variable servinfo "IRC Server Name"}
if [info exists ::ircd(floodset)] {variable floodset $::ircd(floodset)} {variable floodset 4:10}
if [info exists ::ircd(pingfreq)] {variable pingfreq $::ircd(pingfreq)} {variable pingfreq 180}
if [info exists ::ircd(connfreq)] {variable connfreq $::ircd(connfreq)} {variable connfreq 60}
if [info exists ::ircd(loglevel)] {variable loglevel $::ircd(loglevel)} {variable loglevel 6}
if [info exists ::ircd(maxrpeat)] {variable maxrpeat $::ircd(maxrpeat)} {variable maxrpeat 2}
if [info exists ::ircd(botattr)] {variable botattr $::ircd(botattr)} {variable botattr "I"}
if [info exists ::ircd(limbo)] {variable limbo $::ircd(limbo)} {variable limbo 0}

if [info exists ::botnet-nick] {variable me ${::botnet-nick}} {variable me $::nick}

if ![info exists connected] {variable connected 0}
if ![info exists serveridx] {variable serveridx -1}

if ![info exists idx] {variable idx -1}

variable source [info script]

if {[catch {setudef flag r:relay}] || [catch {setudef str r:name}]} {
        putlog "${version}: cannot load, setudef cmd absent/bad; upgrade the bot"

setudef flag r:relay    ;# is relayed
setudef flag r:sts   ;# set channel TS
setudef flag r:mod   ;# relay mode changes
setudef flag r:tpc   ;# relay topic changes
setudef flag r:pub   ;# relay public chatter
setudef flag r:say   ;# relay public chatter back
setudef flag r:msg   ;# relay private messages
setudef str r:name   ;# relayed channel name

bind raw        - 329                           ::ircd::chants
bind time       - "% % % % %"           ::ircd::timer
bind evnt       - disconnect-server     ::ircd::disconnect
bind join       - "% %"                 ::ircd::join
bind part       - "% %"                 ::ircd::part
bind kick       - "% % *"                       ::ircd::kick
bind sign       - "% %"                 ::ircd::quit
bind nick       - "% %"                 ::ircd::nick
bind mode       - "% %"                 ::ircd::mode
bind topc       - "% *"                 ::ircd::topic
bind pubm       - "% *"                 ::ircd::public
bind ctcp       - *                             ::ircd::action
bind notc       - *                             ::ircd::notice
bind msgm       - *                             ::ircd::private
bind bot        - ircd                  ::ircd::bot
bind dcc        n ircd                  ::ircd::dcc

putlog "$version by demond loaded"

proc log {text} {
        variable loglevel; variable version
        putloglev $loglevel * "${version}: $text"

proc debug {xxx text} {
        variable loglevel; variable version
        putloglev [expr $loglevel + 2] * "${version}: ($xxx) $text"

proc isspam {str} {
        set str [string map {" " "" "_" ""} $str]
        return [regexp (?i)(http://|www\\.|irc\\.|\[\[:space:\]\]#) $str]

proc lsearch {list elem} {
        return [::lsearch [string tolower [split $list]] [string tolower $elem]]

proc fill {char num} {
        for {set i 0} {$i < $num} {incr i} {append str $char}
        return $str

proc putdcc {idx text} {
        if $::ircd::limbo return
        ::putdcc $idx $text
        debug ">>>" $text

proc killdcc {idx} {
        if !$::ircd::limbo {::killdcc $idx}

proc valididx {idx} {
        if !$::ircd::limbo {return [::valididx $idx]} else {return 1}

proc isflood {nick} {
        variable flood
        scan $::ircd::floodset %\[^:\]:%s threshold period
        lappend flood($nick) [unixtime]
        if {[llength $flood($nick)] > $threshold} {
                set diff [expr [unixtime] - [lindex $flood($nick) 0]]
                unset flood($nick)
                if {$diff < $period} {return 1}
        return 0

proc isrepeat {nick msg} {
        variable repeat
        if [info exists repeat($nick)] {
                if [string equal $msg [lindex $repeat($nick) 0]] {
                        set num [lindex $repeat($nick) 1]; incr num
                        set repeat($nick) [lreplace $repeat($nick) 1 1 $num]
                        return [expr $num > $::ircd::maxrpeat? 1 : 0]
        set repeat($nick) [list $msg 1]
        return 0

# this filter borrowed from ppslim
proc ctrl:filter {str} {
  regsub -all -- {([\003]{1}[0-9]{0,2}[\,]{0,1}[0-9]{0,2})} $str "" str; #color
  regsub -all -- "\017" $str "" str; #plain
  regsub -all -- "\037" $str "" str; #underline
  regsub -all -- "\002" $str "" str; #bold
  regsub -all -- "\026" $str "" str; #reverse
  return $str

proc time2str {period} {
        set days [expr $period / (3600 * 24)]
        set hour [expr ($period - (3600 * 24 * $days)) / 3600]
        set mins [expr (($period - (3600 * 24 * $days)) % 3600) / 60]
        if $days {append str "$days day(s), "}
        if $hour {append str "$hour hour(s), "}
        return [append str "$mins minute(s)"]

proc dcc {hand ndx text} {
        variable idx
        variable connected
        set text [split $text]
        set cmd [lindex $text 0]
        switch $cmd {
                "version" {putdcc $ndx $::ircd::version}
                "status" {if $connected {
                        if !$::ircd::limbo {
                                set period [expr [unixtime] - $::ircd::uptime]
                                putdcc $ndx "connected for: [time2str $period]"
                                putdcc $ndx "uplink   : $::ircd::uplink"
                        } else {putdcc $ndx "operating in limbo"}
                        } else {putdcc $ndx "not connected!"}}
                "jump" {if $connected {
                                send_but "" "" "disconn"
                                if {!$::ircd::limbo && [valididx $idx]} {
                                        putdcc $idx "ERROR: jumping..."
                                        killdcc $idx
                        }; set connected 0; timer 00 x x x x}
                default {
                        putdcc $ndx "usage: .ircd \[version|status|jump\]"
                        set invalid 1
        if ![info exists invalid] {return 1}

proc introduce_server {host port password} {
        variable connected
        variable idx; variable myname
        if ![valididx $idx] return
        set connected 1; variable gotpong 0
        log "connected to $host:$port, introducing myself..."
        switch $::ircd::servtype {
                "hybrid6" {putdcc $idx "PASS $password :TS"}
                "hybrid7" {putdcc $idx "PASS $password :TS"; putdcc $idx "CAPAB :LL"}
                "unreal"  {putdcc $idx "PASS :$password"; putdcc $idx "PROTOCTL SJOIN"}
                default {
                        log "invalid ircd(servtype)! bailing out..."
                        set connected 0; killdcc $idx
        putdcc $idx "SERVER $myname 1 :$::ircd::servinfo"
        putdcc $idx "PING :$myname"

proc disconnect {event} {
        variable idx; variable connected
        send_but "" "" "disconn"
        if ![valididx $idx] return
        if $connected {
                if !$::ircd::limbo {
                        log "disconnected! squiting uplink..."
                putdcc $idx "ERROR :got disconnected from bot server"
                set connected 0
                killdcc $idx

proc chants {from keyword text} {
        variable ts
        set text [split $text]
        set timestamp [lindex $text 2]
        set channel [lindex $text 1]
        set ts($channel) $timestamp

proc map {mchan} {
        foreach chan [channels] {
                set chans [channel get $chan r:name]
                if {$chans == ""} {set chans [list $chan]} else {set chans [split $chans]}
                if {[lsearch $chans $mchan] != -1} {return $chan}
        return "nonexistent!"

proc which {chan nick remove} {
        variable nicks; variable cha
        set chans [channel get $chan r:name]
        if {$chans == ""} {set chans [list $chan]} else {set chans [split $chans]}
        foreach achan $chans {
                if ![info exists cha($achan)] continue
                if {[set ndx [lsearch $cha($achan) $nick]] != -1} {
                        if !$remove {return $achan} else {
                                if ![info exists rchan] {set rchan $achan}
                                set cha($achan) [lreplace $cha($achan) $ndx $ndx]
        if !$remove {return "nonexistent!"}; set more 0
        foreach {key nlist} [array get cha] {
                if {[set ndx [lsearch $nlist $nick]] != -1} {set more 1}
        if {!$more && [set ndx [lsearch $nicks $nick]] != -1} {
                set nicks [lreplace $nicks $ndx $ndx]
        if [info exists rchan] {return $rchan} else {return $chan}

proc remove {chan nick} {
        variable nicks; variable cha
        if ![info exists cha($chan)] {return 0}
        if {[set ndx [lsearch $cha($chan) $nick]] != -1} {
                set cha($chan) [lreplace $cha($chan) $ndx $ndx]
                set more 0
                foreach {key nlist} [array get cha] {
                        if {[set ndx [lsearch $nlist $nick]] != -1} {set more 1}
                if {!$more && [set ndx [lsearch $nicks $nick]] != -1} {
                        set nicks [lreplace $nicks $ndx $ndx]
                        return 1
        return 0

proc join {nick uhost hand chan} {
        variable idx; variable nicks
        variable myname; variable cha
        if ![valididx $idx] return
        if ![channel get $chan r:relay] return
        if {!$::ircd::connected || $nick == $::botnick} return
        if {[lsearch $nicks $nick] == -1} {
                lappend nicks $nick; set uhost [getchanhost $nick $chan]
                if {$::ircd::servtype == "unreal"} {set umode ""} else {set umode "+i"}
                set buf "NICK $nick 1 [unixtime] $umode [::join [split $uhost @]] $myname :$nick"
                putdcc $idx $buf; send_but "" "" "clnt $buf"
        set chans [channel get $chan r:name]
        if {$chans == ""} {set chans [list $chan]} else {set chans [split $chans]}
        set time [getchanjoin $::botnick $chan]
        set achan [lindex $chans [rand [llength $chans]]]
        if [info exists cha($achan)] {
                if {[lsearch $cha($achan) $nick] != -1} return
        set buf ":$myname SJOIN $time $achan [getchanmode $chan] :$nick"
        putdcc $idx $buf; send_but "" "" "sjoin $buf"
        lappend cha($achan) $nick

proc part {nick uhost hand chan msg} {
        variable idx; variable nicks
        if ![valididx $idx] return
        if ![channel get $chan r:relay] return
        if {!$::ircd::connected || $nick == $::botnick} return
        set buf ":$nick PART [which $chan $nick 1] :$msg"
        putdcc $idx $buf; send_but "" "" "part $buf"
        if {[lsearch $nicks $nick] == -1} {
                set buf ":$nick QUIT :parted all channels"
                putdcc $idx $buf; send_but "" "" "quit $buf"

proc kick {nick uhost hand chan victim reason} {
        variable idx; variable nicks
        if ![valididx $idx] return
        if ![channel get $chan r:relay] return
        if {!$::ircd::connected || $nick == $::botnick || $victim == $::botnick} return
        set buf ":$nick KICK [which $chan $victim 1] $victim :$reason"
        putdcc $idx $buf; send_but "" "" "kick $buf"
        if {[lsearch $nicks $victim] == -1} {
                set buf ":$victim QUIT :kicked off last channel"
                putdcc $idx $buf; send_but "" "" "quit $buf"

proc quit {nick uhost hand chan reason} {
        variable idx; variable nicks
        variable myname; variable cha
        if ![valididx $idx] return
        if ![channel get $chan r:relay] return
        if {!$::ircd::connected || $nick == $::botnick} return
        set buf ":$nick QUIT :$reason"
        putdcc $idx $buf; send_but "" "" "quit $buf"
        foreach {key nlist} [array get cha] {
                if {[set ndx [lsearch $nlist $nick]] != -1} {
                        set cha($key) [lreplace $cha($key) $ndx $ndx]
        if {[set ndx [lsearch $nicks $nick]] != -1} {
                set nicks [lreplace $nicks $ndx $ndx]

proc nick {nick uhost hand chan newnick} {
        variable idx; variable nicks
        variable myname; variable cha
        if ![valididx $idx] return
        if ![channel get $chan r:relay] return
        if {!$::ircd::connected || $nick == $::botnick} return
        set buf ":$nick NICK $newnick :[unixtime]"
        putdcc $idx $buf; send_but "" "" "nick $buf"
        foreach {key nlist} [array get cha] {
                if {[set ndx [lsearch $nlist $nick]] != -1} {
                        set cha($key) [lreplace $cha($key) $ndx $ndx $newnick]
        if {[set ndx [lsearch $nicks $nick]] != -1} {
                set nicks [lreplace $nicks $ndx $ndx $newnick]

proc mode {nick uhost hand chan change victim} {
        variable idx; variable nicks
        if ![valididx $idx] return
        if {![channel get $chan r:relay] || ![channel get $chan r:mod]} return
        if {!$::ircd::connected || $nick == $::botnick} return
        set buf ":$nick MODE [which $chan $nick 0] $change $victim"
        putdcc $idx $buf; send_but "" "" "mode $buf"

proc topic {nick uhost hand chan topic} {
        variable idx; variable nicks
        if ![valididx $idx] return
        if {![channel get $chan r:relay] || ![channel get $chan r:tpc]} return
        if {!$::ircd::connected || $nick == $::botnick} return
        set buf ":$nick TOPIC [which $chan $nick 0] :$topic"
        putdcc $idx $buf; send_but "" "" "topic $buf"

proc public {nick uhost hand chan text} {
        variable idx; variable nicks
        if ![valididx $idx] return
        if {![channel get $chan r:relay] || ![channel get $chan r:pub]} return
        if {!$::ircd::connected || $nick == $::botnick} return
        set buf ":$nick PRIVMSG [which $chan $nick 0] :$text"
        putdcc $idx $buf; send_but "" "" "public $buf"

proc action {nick uhost hand dest ctcp text} {
        variable idx; variable nicks
        if ![valididx $idx] return
        if {$dest == $::botnick} return; set chan $dest
        if {![channel get $chan r:relay] || ![channel get $chan r:pub]} return
        if {!$::ircd::connected || $nick == $::botnick} return
        set buf ":$nick PRIVMSG [which $chan $nick 0] :\001$ctcp $text\001"
        putdcc $idx $buf; send_but "" "" "action $buf"

proc notice {nick uhost hand text dest} {
        variable idx; variable nicks
        if ![valididx $idx] return
        if {$dest == $::botnick} return; set chan $dest
        if {![channel get $chan r:relay] || ![channel get $chan r:pub]} return
        if {!$::ircd::connected || $nick == $::botnick} return
        set buf ":$nick NOTICE [which $chan $nick 0] :$text"
        putdcc $idx $buf; send_but "" "" "notice $buf"

proc private {nick uhost hand text} {
        variable assoc; variable bots
        variable idx; variable nicks
        if ![valididx $idx] return
        foreach chan [channels] {if [onchan $nick $chan] {set achan $chan}}
        if {[info exists achan] && ![channel get $achan r:msg]} return
        set anick [string tolower $nick]
        if [info exists assoc($anick)] {
                if ![llength $assoc($anick)] return
                foreach peon $assoc($anick) {
                        if [string match -nocase *${peon}* $text] {
                                set ndx [lsearch $assoc($anick) $peon]
                                set assoc($anick) [lreplace $assoc($anick) $ndx $ndx]
                                set direct 1; break
                if ![info exists direct] {
                        set peon [lindex $assoc($anick) end]
                        set assoc($anick) [lreplace $assoc($anick) end end]
                spylog $nick $peon $text
                set buf ":$nick PRIVMSG $peon :$text"
                if [info exists bots] {
                        foreach {bot nlist} [array get bots] {
                                if {[lsearch $nlist $peon] != -1} {set remote $bot}
                        if [info exists remote] {
                                putbot $remote "ircd $::ircd::me $remote private $buf"
                putdcc $idx $buf

proc spylog {from to text} {
        set str [format "%12s -> %-12s: %s" $from $to $text]
        putloglev [expr $::ircd::loglevel + 1] * "spy: $str"

proc bot {from command text} {
        variable assoc
        variable botattr; variable myname
        variable idx; variable bots; variable me
        if ![matchattr $from $botattr] return
        set text [split $text]
        set source [lindex $text 0]
        set target [lindex $text 1]
        set what [lindex $text 2]
        if {$target == "(all)"} {
                send_but $from $command [::join $text]
        if ![matchattr $source $botattr] return
        switch $what {
                "connect" {burst_to $source}
                "disconn" {
                        if {!$::ircd::connected || ![valididx $idx]} return
                        if [info exists bots($source)] {
                                foreach nick $bots($source) {
                                        putdcc $idx ":$nick QUIT :remote bot got disconnected"
                                unset bots($source)
                "talk" {
                        set src [lindex $text 4]
                        set dest [lindex $text 5]
                        set what [lindex $text 3]
                        set msg [::join [lrange $text 6 end]]
                        if [info exists bots($source)] {
                        if {[lsearch $bots($source) $src] == -1} {
                                lappend bots($source) $src
                        }} else {lappend bots($source) $src}
                        if {[string index $msg 0] != "\001"} {set pref "<$src> "} else {set pref ""}
                        if {[string index $dest 0] == "#"} {
                                set dest [map $dest]; if ![channel get $dest r:say] return
                        } elseif {[onchan $dest]} {
                                foreach chan [channels] {
                                        if {[onchan $dest $chan] && ![channel get $chan r:msg]} return
                                lappend assoc([string tolower $dest]) $src
                                spylog $src $dest $msg
                        puthelp "$what $dest :$pref$msg"
                "clnt" {
                        set nick [lindex $text 4]
                        if {!$::ircd::connected || ![valididx $idx]} return
                        if {![info exists bots($source)] || [lsearch $bots($source) $nick] == -1} {
                                if {[lsearch $::ircd::nicks $nick] == -1} {
                                        lappend bots($source) $nick
                                        set umode [lindex $text 7]
                                        if {[string index $umode 0] == "+"} {
                                                if {$::ircd::servtype == "unreal"} {set text [lreplace $text 7 7 ""]}
                                        } else {
                                                if {$::ircd::servtype != "unreal"} {set text [lreplace $text 7 7 "+i"]}
                                        set text [lreplace $text 10 10 $myname]
                                        putdcc $idx [::join [lrange $text 3 end]]
                "sjoin" {
                        if {!$::ircd::connected || ![valididx $idx]} return
                        set text [lreplace $text 3 3 ":$myname"]
                        putdcc $idx [::join [lrange $text 3 end]]
                default {
                        if {!$::ircd::connected || ![valididx $idx]} return
                        if {$what == "private"} {
                                set msg [string trimleft [::join [lrange $text 6 end]] :]
                                set src [string trimleft [lindex $text 3] :]
                                set dest [lindex $text 5]
                                spylog $src $dest $msg
                        putdcc $idx [::join [lrange $text 3 end]]

proc send_but {from command text} {
        variable me; variable botattr
        foreach record [botlist] {
                set bot [lindex $record 0]
                set uplink [lindex $record 1]
                if {$bot != $from && $uplink == $me && [matchattr $bot $botattr]} {
                        if {$command == ""} {
                                putbot $bot "ircd $me (all) $text"
                        } else {
                                putbot $bot "$command $text"

proc burst_to {target} {
        variable myname; variable me
        variable nicks; variable cha
        if [info exists nicks] {foreach nick $nicks {
                if {[set uhost [getchanhost $nick]] != ""} {
                        if {$::ircd::servtype == "unreal"} {set umode ""} else {set umode "+i"}
                        set buf "NICK $nick 1 [unixtime] $umode [::join [split $uhost @]] $myname :$nick"
                        putbot $target "ircd $me $target clnt $buf"
        if [info exists cha] {foreach {key nlist} [array get cha] {
                set chan $key
                foreach nick $nlist {
                        lappend dozen $nick
                        if {[llength $dozen] == 12} {
                                set buf ":$myname SJOIN [unixtime] $chan + :[::join $dozen]"
                                putbot $target "ircd $me $target sjoin $buf"
                                unset dozen
                if [info exists dozen] {
                        set buf ":$myname SJOIN [unixtime] $chan + :[::join $dozen]"
                        putbot $target "ircd $me $target sjoin $buf"
                        unset dozen

proc burst {} {
        variable repeat
        variable myname; variable cha
        variable idx; variable nicks {}
        variable assoc; variable flood; variable bots
        if {!$::ircd::connected || ![valididx $idx]} return
        catch {unset cha; unset bots; unset assoc; unset flood; unset repeat}
        log "bursting clients/channels/modes..."
        foreach chan [channels] {
                if ![botonchan $chan] continue
                if ![channel get $chan r:relay] continue
                set sts [channel get $chan r:sts]
                set cts [info exists ::ircd::ts($chan)]
                if {$sts} {set mode [getchanmode $chan]} else {set mode "+"}
                if {$sts && $cts} {
                        set time [set ::ircd::ts($chan)]
                } else {
                        set time [getchanjoin $::botnick $chan]
                set chans [channel get $chan r:name]
                if {$chans == ""} {set chans [list $chan]} else {set chans [split $chans]}
                foreach rchan $chans {
                        if ![info exists cha($rchan)] {set cha($rchan) {}}
                foreach nick [chanlist $chan] {
                        if {$nick == $::botnick} continue
                        if {[lsearch $nicks $nick] == -1} {
                                lappend nicks $nick; set uhost [getchanhost $nick $chan]
                                if {$::ircd::servtype == "unreal"} {set umode ""} else {set umode "+i"}
                                set buf "NICK $nick 1 [unixtime] $umode [::join [split $uhost @]] $myname :$nick"
                                putdcc $idx $buf; send_but "" "" "clnt $buf"
                        set pref ""; if [isvoice $nick $chan] {append pref +}
                        if [ishalfop $nick $chan] {append pref %}
                        if [isop $nick $chan] {append pref @}
                        lappend dozen "$pref$nick"
                        if {[llength $dozen] == 12} {
                                set achan [lindex $chans [rand [llength $chans]]]
                                set buf ":$myname SJOIN $time $achan $mode :[::join $dozen]"
                                putdcc $idx $buf; send_but "" "" "sjoin $buf"
                                foreach elem $dozen {lappend cha($achan) [string trimleft $elem +%@]}
                                unset dozen
                if [info exists dozen] {
                        set achan [lindex $chans [rand [llength $chans]]]
                        set buf ":$myname SJOIN $time $achan $mode :[::join $dozen]"
                        putdcc $idx $buf; send_but "" "" "sjoin $buf"
                        foreach elem $dozen {lappend cha($achan) [string trimleft $elem +%@]}
                        unset dozen
                if ![channel get $chan r:mod] continue
                foreach rchan $chans {
                        foreach ban [chanbans $chan] {
                                lappend dozen [lindex $ban 0]
                                if {[llength $dozen] == ${::modes-per-line}} {
                                        set buf ":$myname MODE $rchan +[fill b [llength $dozen]] [::join $dozen]"
                                        putdcc $idx $buf; send_but "" "" "mode $buf"
                                        unset dozen
                        if [info exists dozen] {
                                set buf ":$myname MODE $rchan +[fill b [llength $dozen]] [::join $dozen]"
                                putdcc $idx $buf; send_but "" "" "mode $buf"
                                unset dozen

proc timer {min hour day month year} {
        variable idx; variable connected
        variable servers; variable serveridx
        variable pingfreq; variable connfreq
        if {$pingfreq < 60} {set pingfreq 60}
        if {$connfreq < 60} {set connfreq 60}
        if {$min == "00" && $hour == "01"} {update; return}
        if {$min != "00"} {set min [string trimleft $min 0]}
        if {!$connected && ($min % ($connfreq / 60)) == 0} {
                set servers [split $servers]
                if {!${::server-online} || [unixtime] - ${::server-online} < 60} return
                if {[incr serveridx] == [llength $servers]} {set serveridx 0}
                scan [lindex $servers $serveridx] %\[^:\]:%\[^:\]:%s host port password
                if !$::ircd::limbo {
                        if [catch {set idx [connect $host $port]}] {
                                log "cannot connect to $host:$port, DNS lookup failed"
                        } else {
                                variable uptime [unixtime]
                                control $idx ::ircd::handler
                } else {
                        log "reconnected as limbo, setting flag..."
                        set connected 1; burst
                        send_but "" "" "connect"
        } elseif {!$::ircd::limbo && $connected && ($min % ($pingfreq / 60)) == 0} {
                if ![valididx $idx] return
                if !$::ircd::gotpong {
                        log "ping timeout to $::ircd::uplink, disconnecting..."
                        putdcc $idx "ERROR :ping timeout, disconnected"
                        set connected 0
                        killdcc $idx
                } else {
                        putdcc $idx "PING :$::ircd::myname"
                        variable gotpong 0

proc handler {idx text} {
        variable assoc; variable bots
        variable myname; variable connected
        variable servers; variable serveridx
        if {$text == ""} {
                log "lost connection to uplink..."
                set connected 0; return
        if !$connected {
                scan [lindex $servers $serveridx] %\[^:\]:%\[^:\]:%s host port password
                introduce_server $host $port $password
                burst; send_but "" "" "connect"
        debug "<<<" $text
        set text [split $text]
        switch [lindex $text 1] {
#               "PRIVMSG" - "NOTICE"
                "PRIVMSG" {
                        set what [lindex $text 1]
                        set dest [lindex $text 2]
                        set src [string trimleft [lindex $text 0] :]
                        set msg [string trimleft [::join [lrange $text 3 end]] :]
                        if {[isflood $src] || [isrepeat $src $msg]} {
                                putdcc $idx ":$myname NOTICE $src :don't flood or/and repeat, numbnut"
                        if [isspam [set msg [ctrl:filter $msg]]] return
                        if {[string index $msg 0] != "\001"} {set from "<$src> "} else {
                                if {[string range $msg 1 4] == "PING" && [string index $dest 0] != "#"} {
                                        putdcc $idx ":$dest NOTICE $src :$msg"
                                }; set from ""
                        if [info exists bots] {foreach {bot nlist} [array get bots] {
                                if {[lsearch $nlist $dest] != -1} {set remote $bot}
                        if [info exists remote] {
                                if {[string index $dest 0] != "#"} {
                                        spylog $src $dest $msg
                                putbot $remote "ircd $::ircd::me $remote talk $what $src $dest $msg"
                        } else {
                                if {[string index $dest 0] == "#"} {
                                        set dest [map $dest]; if ![channel get $dest r:say] return
                                } elseif {[onchan $dest]} {
                                        foreach chan [channels] {
                                                if {[onchan $dest $chan] && ![channel get $chan r:msg]} return
                                        lappend assoc([string tolower $dest]) $src
                                        spylog $src $dest $msg
                                puthelp "$what $dest :$from$msg"
                "KILL" {
                        variable nicks; variable cha
                        foreach {key nlist} [array get cha] {
                                if {[set ndx [lsearch $nlist [lindex $text 2]]] != -1} {
                                        set cha($key) [lreplace $cha($key) $ndx $ndx]
                        if {[set ndx [lsearch $nicks [lindex $text 2]]] != -1} {
                                set nicks [lreplace $nicks $ndx $ndx]
                "KICK" {
                        if [remove [lindex $text 2] [lindex $text 3]] {
                                putdcc $idx ":[lindex $text 3] QUIT :kicked on uplink"
                "VERSION" {
                        set target [string trimleft [lindex $text 0] :]
                        putdcc $idx ":$myname 351 $target $::ircd::version $myname :foo bar"
                "PING" {
                        set target [lindex $text 2]
                        putdcc $idx ":$myname PONG $myname $target"
                "PONG" {
                        set source [string trimleft [lindex $text 0] :]
                        if {$source == $::ircd::uplink} {variable gotpong 1}
        switch [lindex $text 0] {
                "SERVER" {
                        if {[lindex $text 2] == "1"} {variable uplink [lindex $text 1]}
                "PING" {
                        set target [lindex $text 1]
                        putdcc $idx ":$myname PONG $myname $target"
                "ERROR" {
                        log "uplink closed connection: $text"
                        set connected 0; return 1

proc update {} {
        variable version
        set url "http://demond.net/[lindex [split $version -] 0].tcl"
        catch {set token [::http::geturl $url]}
        if [info exists token] {
                if {[::http::ncode $token] == 200} {
                        foreach line [split [::http::data $token] \n] {
                                if [string match "variable version *" $line] break
                        if {[string compare [lindex $line 2] $version] > 0} {
                                set file [open $::ircd::source w]
                                set data [split [::http::data $token] \n]
                                foreach line [lrange $data 0 end-1] {puts $file $line}
                                close $file
                                log "updated with NEW version, reloading..."
                                uplevel #0 {source $::ircd::source}
                } else {
                        log "update error: [::http::code $token]"
                ::http::cleanup $token

Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:58 am

Re: emulated server connection failure question

Post by evidid »

Further, with v3.2.9 the verbatim messages from the eggdrop session are as follows:

[11:37] net: connect! sock 9
[11:37] net: eof!(read) socket 9

Those are repeated every minute.

Whereas on v3.2.7 this is what happens message-wise:

[11:46] net: connect! sock 7

And it connects as an IRCd to network1 and works fine.

In our eggdrop tests all the available information flags are enabled for the console channel (including debug). However, nothing relevant to the problem is shown in the eggdrop logs.
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:58 am

Re: emulated server connection failure question

Post by evidid »

Oh, and one more piece of information:

eggdrop DCCSTAT with Unreal v3.2.9

---- -------- ----- --------- ----------------- ----
3 426DB589 54321 (telnet) * lstn 54321
4 00000000 0 (dns) dns (ready)
6 73240A34 6667 (server) irc.somenet.net serv (lag: 0)
8 43E0EBA4 49442 evidid -111.111.host.net chat flags: cpTEp/0
9 00000000 12345 * scri ::ircd::handler

eggdrop DCCSTAT with Unreal v3.2.7

---- -------- ----- --------- ----------------- ----
3 426DB589 54321 (telnet) * lstn 54321
4 00000000 0 (dns) dns (ready)
5 41C3B1D2 6667 (server) irc.somenet.net serv (lag: 0)
8 43E0EBA4 49474 evidid -111.111.host.net chat flags: cpTEp/0
7 00000000 12345 * scri ::ircd::handler
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:58 am

Re: emulated server connection failure question

Post by evidid »

I got it working... it seems that v3.2.9 refuses to accept the egg's IRCd emulation script connection as a server connection. So I removed the serversonly directive and it connected fine. With v3.2.7 it didn't mind serversonly for some reason.

Thanks and sorry for wasting forum space on this.
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