Errors relating to Unreal

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Errors relating to Unreal

Post by Nerdua »

hello, I just set up my irc server. Everything went ok until I discovered I needed anope to include services. But then as I was configuring the files.. some errors showed up

Code: Select all

* Loading IRCd configuration ..
* unrealircd.conf:321: No name for section start
* unrealircd.conf:332: Ignoring extra data
* unrealircd.conf:333: Ignoring extra data
* unrealircd.conf:334: Ignoring extra data
* unrealircd.conf:322: unknown directive username
* unrealircd.conf:323: unknown directive hostname
* unrealircd.conf:324: unknown directive bind-ip
* unrealircd.conf:325: unknown directive port
* unrealircd.conf:326: unknown directive hub
* unrealircd.conf:327: unknown directive password-connect
* unrealircd.conf:328: unknown directive password-receive
[error] unrealircd.conf:331: class::pingfreq should be a reasonable value (30-600)
[error] unrealircd.conf:331: Unknown directive 'class::*'
[error] unrealircd.conf:332: Unknown directive 'class::*'
[error] unrealircd.conf:333: Unknown directive 'class::*'
[error] unrealircd.conf:335: class::recvq with illegal value (must be >512 and <32k)
[error] unrealircd.conf:330: class::maxclients is missing
[error] unrealircd.conf:330: class::sendq is missing
[error] unrealircd.conf:339: link: bogus server name
[error] 8 errors encountered
[error] IRCd configuration failed to pass testing
:/ idk what to do D: , please if you could help It would be nice, thank you
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Re: Errors relating to Unreal

Post by Stealth »

Somewhere around line 321 your configuration is messed up.

A good configuration shouldn't have so many lines, especially for someone just starting out. Go through your configuration file and remove all the comments and blocks you do not need. Alternatively, you can follow my example configuration or tutorial, both located on my UnrealIRCd Resources Page
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Re: Errors relating to Unreal

Post by Syzop »

Just for the record: it's no problem if your config has this many lines. Stealth just means that it's easier to have a tidy up (cleaned) config file with only the things you need.

It's clear that all the problems start around line 321 (or earlier)... since all your errors are around those lines it should be 'easy' to trace.
If you can't figure it out, it may be a good idea to upload your config somewhere (remove passwords and IPs) and link to it. Or in this case, just copy/paste lines 320-340 or so.
Then a supporter may be able to help you further.
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