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Problems with motd and rules: How to compile this?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 6:57 am
by ShuShuBruno

Code: Select all

 * NEW: files {}
 * OLD: include/config.h
 * This block overrides the IRCd's default paths for loading things
 * like the MOTD, saving its PID, or writing/loading its tunefile. The
 * existence of this block allows one UnrealIRCd installation to
 * support multiple running instances when combined with the -c
 * commandline option.
 * As usual, relative paths are interpreted relative to the directory
 * where UnrealIRCd would find unrealircd.conf if -c is _not_
 * specified on the commandline.
	/* The Message Of The Day shown to users who log in: */
	/* motd ircd.motd; */

	 * A short MOTD. If this file exists, it will be displayed to
	 * the user in place of the MOTD. Users can still view the
	 * full MOTD by using the /MOTD command.
	/* shortmotd ircd.smotd; */

	/* Shown when an operator /OPERs up */
	/* opermotd oper.motd; */

	/* Services MOTD append. */
	/* svsmotd ircd.svsmotd; */

	/* Bot MOTD */
	/* botmotd bot.motd; */

	/* Shown upon /RULES */
	/* rules ircd.rules; */

	 * Where the IRCd stores and loads a few values which should
	 * be persistent across server restarts. Must point to an
	 * existing file which the IRCd has permission to alter or to
	 * a file in a folder within which the IRCd may create files.
	/* tunefile ircd.tune; */

	/* Where to save the IRCd's pid. Should be writable by the IRCd. */
	/* pidfile; */

 * NEW: tld {}
 * OLD: T:Line
 * This sets a different motd and rules files
 * depending on the clients hostmask.
 * Syntax is as follows: 
 * tld {
 *    mask (ident@host);
 *    motd "(motd file)";
 *    rules "(rules file)";
 * };

tld {
	mask *;
motd "*";
	rules "*";

/* note: you can just delete the example block above,
 * in which case the defaults motd/rules files (ircd.motd, ircd.rules)
 * will be used for everyone.
I'd like to solve this problem and also make run the other MOTD.
Thank you so much for the help!!!!
Best Regards.

Re: Problems with motd and rules: How to compile this?

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:28 am
by floffy
tld {
mask *@*;
motd "ircd.motd";
rules "ircd.rules";