Anope not connect to Unreal

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Anope not connect to Unreal

Post by Moya »

Hello !
Sorry i'm french and my english is very bad :/

I installed Unrealircd 4 and anope and I can not connect anope and Unreal I have an error message:

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Anope 2.0.5, build #2, compiled 11:33:14 Nov 26 2017
Using configuration file conf/services.conf
Attempting to connect to uplink #1 (, port 6900
Successfully connected to uplink #1
Lost connection from uplink #1 ( Connection reset by peer
My unrealircd.conf

Code: Select all

include "modules.default.conf";
include "help/help.conf";
include "badwords.conf";
include "spamfilter.conf";
include "operclass.default.conf";

me {
	name "Mystic.Irc";
	info "Serveur MysticGame";
	sid "001";

admin {
	"Moya Léviathan";
	"[email protected]";

class clients
	pingfreq 90;
	maxclients 1000;
	sendq 200k;
	recvq 8000;

class opers
	pingfreq 90;
	maxclients 50;
	sendq 1M;
	recvq 8000;

class servers
	pingfreq 60;
	connfreq 15; /* essayer de se connecter toutes les 15 sec */
	maxclients 10; /* nombre max de serveurs */
	sendq 5M;

allow {
	ip *@*;
	class clients;
	maxperip 5;

allow {
	ip *@;
	class clients;
	password "unmotdepassesecret";
	maxperip 20;

oper Moya {
	class opers;
	mask *@*;
	password "***********";
	operclass netadmin;
	swhois "est un Administrateur du Réseau";
	vhost Bio.leviathan;

listen {
	ip *;
	port 6667;

listen {
	ip *;
	port 6668;
	options { ssl; };

listen {
	ip *;
	port 6900;
	options { ssl; serversonly; };
ulines {;

drpass {
	restart "restart";
	die "die";

log "ircd.log" {
	flags {

/* Avec des "alias", vous pouvez créer un alias comme /UNTRUC pour envoyer
 * un message à un utilisateur ou à un bot. Ils sont souvent utilisés pour
 * les services.
 * Nous fournissons un certain nombre d'alias par défaut, voir les fichiers
 * du répertoire aliases/.
 * Pour exemple, ici nous ajoutons les alias pour les Services Anope.
include "aliases/anope.conf";

/* Bannir des nicks pour qu'ils ne soient pas utilisables par des
 * utilisateurs normaux
ban nick {
	mask "*C*h*a*n*S*e*r*v*";
	reason "Réservé aux Services";

/* Bannir une IP.
 * NB : vous pouvez aussi utiliser /KLINE, /GLINE et /ZLINE pour ça.
ban ip {
	reason "Je vous hais !";

/* Bannir un serveur - si ce serveur est connecté au réseau, nous nous
 * déconnecterons
ban server {
	reason "Va-t-en d'ici.";

/* Bannir un utilisateur - juste pour l'exemple, on utilise normalement
 * /KLINE or /GLINE pour ça
ban user {
	mask *tirc@*;
	reason "Idiot";

/* Bannir un realname (ou 'gecos') */
ban realname {
	mask "Swat Team";
	reason "mIRKFORCE";

ban realname {
	mask "sub7server";
	reason "sub7";

/* Exceptions de ban et TKL. Vous permet d'exempter des utilisateurs des 
 * KLINE, GLINE, etc ...
 * Si vous êtes un IRCOp avec une IP statique (et qu'il n'y a que des
 * personnes de confiance sur cette IP), alors vous pouvez vous ajouter ici.
 * Ainsi, vous pourrez toujours vous connecter même si vous vous bannissez
 * accidentellement.

/* except ban vous protège des KLINE et ZLINE */
except ban {
	mask *@;
	// vous pouvez ajouter d'autres lignes mask à la suite

/* except tkl avec le type 'all' vous protège des GLINE, GZLINE, QLINE, SHUN */
except tkl {
	mask *@;
	type all;

/* Avec un bloc deny dcc vous pouvez interdire des noms de fichiers dans
 * les échanges DCC
deny dcc {
	filename "*sub7*";
	reason "Possible virus Sub7";

/* deny channel vous permet d'interdire des masques de noms de salons */
deny channel {
	channel "*warez*";
	reason "Le warez est illegal";
	class "clients";

/* Les VHosts (Virtual Hosts - Hôtes Virtuels) permettent aux utilisateurs
 * d'avoir un nom d'hôte différent.
 * Voir

/* Vhost d'exemple. Sur IRC, entrez /VHOST test test
 * NOTE : seuls les utilisateurs avec un nom d'hôte ''
 *        peuvent l'utiliser, donc modifiez vhost::mask avant de tester.
vhost {
	mask *;
	login "test";
	password "test";

/* Vous pouvez inclure d'autres fichiers de configuration */
/* include "klines.conf"; */

/* Configuration du réseau */
set {
	network-name        "MysticIrc";
	default-server      "";
	services-server     "";
	stats-server        "";
	help-channel        "#Help";
	hiddenhost-prefix   "Clk";
	prefix-quit         "Quit";
	cloak-keys {

/* Configuration spécifique au serveur */

set {
	kline-address "[email protected]"; /* e-mail ou URL indiquée lorsqu'un utilisateur est banni */
	modes-on-connect "+ixw"; /* modes utilisateur ajoutés lorsqu'un utilisateur se connecte */
	modes-on-oper    "+xwgs"; /* modes utilisateur ajoutés lorsqu'un utilisateur devient IRCOp */
	oper-auto-join "#opers"; /* salon que les IRCOps joignent automatiquement */
	auto-join "#LaPlaine";
        options {
		hide-ulines; /* cacher les U-lines de /MAP et /LINKS */
		show-connect-info; /* afficher les messages "looking up your hostname" à la connexion */

	maxchannelsperuser 10; /* nombre max de salons par utilisateur */
	anti-spam-quit-message-time 10s;
	oper-only-stats "*";

	/* Protections anti-flood */
	anti-flood {
		nick-flood 3:60;    /* 3 changements de nick par 60 secondes */
		connect-flood 3:60; /* 3 tentatives de connexions par 60 seconds */
		away-flood 4:120;   /* 4 utilisation de /AWAY par 2 minutes */

	spamfilter {
		ban-time 1d; /* durée par défaut des bans *LINE ajoutés par spamfilter */
		ban-reason "Spam/Publicité"; /* raison par defaut */
		virus-help-channel "#help"; /* salon par défaut pour l'action 'viruschan' */
		/* except "#help"; salon à exempter de Spamfilter */
and my service.conf

Code: Select all

 * Example configuration file for Services. After making the appropriate
 * changes to this file, place it in the Services conf directory (as
 * specified in the "configure" script, default /home/username/services/conf)
 * under the name "services.conf".
 * The format of this file is fairly simple: three types of comments are supported:
 *  - All text after a '#' on a line is ignored, as in shell scripting
 *  - All text after '//' on a line is ignored, as in C++
 *  - A block of text like this one is ignored, as in C
 * Outside of comments, there are three structures: blocks, keys, and values.
 * A block is a named container, which contains a number of key to value pairs
 * - you may think of this as an array.
 * A block is created like so:
 * foobar
 * {
 *    moo = "cow"
 *    foo = bar
 * }
 * Note that nameless blocks are allowed and are often used with comments to allow
 * easily commenting an entire block, for example:
 * #foobar
 * {
 *    moo = "cow"
 *    foo = bar
 * }
 * is an entirely commented block.
 * Keys are case insensitive. Values depend on what key - generally, information is
 * given in the key comment. The quoting of values (and most other syntax) is quite
 * flexible, however, please do not forget to quote your strings:
 *   "This is a parameter string with spaces in it"
 * If you need to include a double quote inside a quoted string, precede it
 * by a backslash:
 *   "This string has \"double quotes\" in it"
 * Time parameters can be specified either as an integer representing a
 * number of seconds (e.g. "3600" = 1 hour), or as an integer with a unit
 * specifier: "s" = seconds, "m" = minutes, "h" = hours, "d" = days.
 * Combinations (such as "1h30m") are not permitted. Examples (all of which
 * represent the same length of time, one day):
 *   "86400", "86400s", "1440m", "24h", "1d"
 * In the documentation for each directive, one of the following will be
 * included to indicate whether an option is required:
 *     Indicates a directive which must be given. Without it, Services will
 *     not start.
 *     Indicates a directive which may be omitted, but omitting it may cause
 *     undesirable side effects.
 *     Indicates a directive which is optional. If not given, the feature
 *     will typically be disabled. If this is not the case, more
 *     information will be given in the documentation.
 *     Indicates a directive which may cause undesirable side effects if
 *     specified.
 *     Indicates a directive which will disappear in a future version of
 *     Services, usually because its functionality has been either
 *     superseded by that of other directives or incorporated into the main
 *     program.

 * [OPTIONAL] Defines
 * You can define values to other values, which can be used to easily change
 * many values in the configuration. at once.

 * The define is used in multiple different locations throughout the
 * configuration for services clients hostnames.
	name = ""
	value = ""

 * [OPTIONAL] Additional Includes
 * You can include additional configuration files here.
 * You may also include executable files, which will be executed and
 * the output from it will be included into your configuration.

	type = "file"
	name = "some.conf"

	type = "executable"
	name = "/usr/bin/wget -q -O -"

 * [REQUIRED] IRCd Config
 * This section is used to set up Anope to connect to your IRC network.
 * This section can be included multiple times, and Anope will attempt to
 * connect to each server until it finally connects.
 * Each uplink IRCd should have a corresponding configuration to allow Services
 * to link to it.
 * An example configuration for InspIRCd that is compatible with the below uplink
 * and serverinfo configuration would look like:
 *     <link name=""
 *           ipaddr=""
 *           port="7000"
 *           sendpass="mypassword"
 *           recvpass="mypassword">
 *     <uline server="" silent="yes">
 *     <bind address="" port="7000" type="servers">
 * An example configuration for UnrealIRCd that is compatible with the below uplink
 * and serverinfo configuration would look like:
 *     link
 *     {
 *          username *;
 *          hostname *;
 *          bind-ip "";
 *          port 7000;
 *          hub *;
 *          password-connect "mypassword";
 *          password-receive "mypassword";
 *          class servers;
 *     };
 *     ulines {; };
 *     listen;
	 * The IP or hostname of the IRC server you wish to connect Services to.
	 * Usually, you will want to connect Services over (aka localhost).
	 * NOTE: On some shell providers, this will not be an option.
	host = ""

	 * Enable if Services should connect using IPv6.
	ipv6 = no

	 * Enable if Services should connect using SSL.
	 * You must have an SSL module loaded for this to work.
	ssl = yes

	 * The port to connect to.
	 * The IRCd *MUST* be configured to listen on this port, and to accept
	 * server connections.
	 * Refer to your IRCd documentation for how this is to be done.
	port = 6900

	 * The password to send to the IRC server for authentication.
	 * This must match the link block on your IRCd.
	 * Refer to your IRCd documentation for more information on link blocks.
        password = "mypassword"

 * [REQUIRED] Server Information
 * This section contains information about the Services server.
	 * The hostname that Services will be seen as, it must have no conflicts with any
	 * other server names on the rest of your IRC network. Note that it does not have
	 * to be an existing hostname, just one that isn't on your network already.
	name = ""

	 * The text which should appear as the server's information in /whois and similar
	 * queries.
	description = "Services for IRC Networks"

	 * The local address that Services will bind to before connecting to the remote
	 * server. This may be useful for multihomed hosts. If omitted, Services will let
	 * the Operating System choose the local address. This directive is optional.
	 * If you don't know what this means or don't need to use it, just leave this
	 * directive commented out.
	#localhost = "nowhere."

	 * What Server ID to use for this connection?
	 * Note: This should *ONLY* be used for TS6/P10 IRCds. Refer to your IRCd documentation
	 * to see if this is needed.
	#id = "00A"

	 * The filename containing the Services process ID. The path is relative to the
	 * services root directory.
	pid = "data/"

	 * The filename containing the Message of the Day. The path is relative to the
	 * services root directory.
	motd = "conf/services.motd"

 * [REQUIRED] Protocol module
 * This directive tells Anope which IRCd Protocol to speak when connecting.
 * You MUST modify this to match the IRCd you run.
 * Supported:
 *  - bahamut
 *  - charybdis
 *  - hybrid
 *  - inspircd12
 *  - inspircd20
 *  - ngircd
 *  - plexus
 *  - ratbox
 *  - unreal (for 3.2.x)
 *  - unreal4
	name = "unreal4"

	 * Some protocol modules can enforce mode locks server-side. This reduces the spam caused by
	 * services immediately reversing mode changes for locked modes.
	 * If the protocol module you have loaded does not support this, this setting will have no effect.
	use_server_side_mlock = yes

	 * Some protocol modules can enforce topic locks server-side. This reduces the spam caused by
	 * services immediately reversing topic changes.
	 * If the protocol module you have loaded does not support this, this setting will have no effect.
	use_server_side_topiclock = yes

 * [REQUIRED] Network Information
 * This section contains information about the IRC network that Services will be
 * connecting to.
	 * This is the name of the network that Services will be running on.
	networkname = "LocalNet"

	 * Set this to the maximum allowed nick length on your network.
	 * Be sure to set this correctly, as setting this wrong can result in
	 * Services being disconnected from the network.
	nicklen = 31

	/* Set this to the maximum allowed ident length on your network.
	 * Be sure to set this correctly, as setting this wrong can result in
	 * Services being disconnected from the network.
	userlen = 10

	/* Set this to the maximum allowed hostname length on your network.
	 * Be sure to set this correctly, as setting this wrong can result in
	 * Services being disconnected from the network.
	hostlen = 64

	/* Set this to the maximum allowed channel length on your network.
	chanlen = 32

	/* The maximum number of list modes settable on a channel (such as b, e, I).
	 * Comment out or set to 0 to disable.
	modelistsize = 100

	 * Characters allowed in nicknames. This always includes the characters described
	 * in RFC1459, and so does not need to be set for normal behavior. Changing this to
	 * include characters your IRCd doesn't support will cause your IRCd and/or Services
	 * to break. Multibyte characters are not supported, nor are escape sequences.
	 * It is recommended you DON'T change this.
	#nick_chars = ""

	 * The characters allowed in hostnames. This is used for validating hostnames given
	 * to services, such as BotServ bot hostnames and user vhosts. Changing this is not
	 * recommended unless you know for sure your IRCd supports whatever characters you are
	 * wanting to use. Telling services to set a vHost containing characters your IRCd
	 * disallows could potentially break the IRCd and/or Services.
	 * It is recommended you DON'T change this.
	vhost_chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.-"

	 * If set to true, allows vHosts to not contain dots (.).
	 * Newer IRCds generally do not have a problem with this, but the same warning as
	 * vhost_chars applies.
	 * It is recommended you DON'T change this.
	allow_undotted_vhosts = false

	 * The characters that are not allowed to be at the very beginning or very ending
	 * of a vHost. The same warning as vhost_chars applies.
	 * It is recommended you DON'T change this.
	disallow_start_or_end = ".-"

 * [REQUIRED] Services Options
 * This section contains various options which determine how Services will operate.
	 * On Linux/UNIX systems Anope can setuid and setgid to this user and group
	 * after starting up. This is useful if Anope has to bind to privileged ports
	#user = "anope"
	#group = "anope"

	 * The case mapping used by services. This must be set to a valid locale name
	 * installed on your machine. Services use this case map to compare, with
	 * case insensitivity, things such as nick names, channel names, etc.
	 * We provide two special casemaps shipped with Anope, ascii and rfc1459.
	 * This value should be set to what your IRCd uses, which is probably rfc1459,
	 * however Anope has always used ascii for comparison, so the default is ascii.
	 * Changing this value once set is not recommended.
	casemap = "ascii"

	 * This key is used to initiate the random number generator. This number
	 * MUST be random as you want your passcodes to be random. Don't give this
	 * key to anyone! Keep it private!
	 * NOTE: If you don't uncomment this or keep the default values, any talented
	 * programmer would be able to easily "guess" random strings used to mask
	 * information. Be safe, and come up with a 7-digit number.
	 * This directive is optional, but highly recommended.
	#seed = 9866235

	 * If set, Services will perform more stringent checks on passwords. If this
	 * isn't set, Services will only disallow a password if it is the same as the
	 * entity (nickname name) with which it is associated. When set, however,
	 * Services will also check that the password is at least five
	 * characters long, and in the future will probably check other things
	 * as well.
	 * This directive is optional, but recommended.
	strictpasswords = yes

	 * Sets the number of invalid password tries before Services removes a user
	 * from the network. If a user enters a number of invalid passwords equal to
	 * the given amount for any Services function or combination of functions
	 * during a single IRC session (subject to badpasstimeout, below), Services
	 * will issues a /KILL for the user. If not given, Services will ignore
	 * failed password attempts (though they will be logged in any case).
	 * This directive is optional, but recommended.
	badpasslimit = 5

	 * Sets the time after which invalid passwords are forgotten about. If a user
	 * does not enter any incorrect passwords in this amount of time, the incorrect
	 * password count will reset to zero. If not given, the timeout will be
	 * disabled, and the incorrect password count will never be reset until the user
	 * disconnects.
	 * This directive is optional.
	badpasstimeout = 1h

	 * Sets the delay between automatic database updates.
	updatetimeout = 5m

	 * Sets the delay between checks for expired nicknames and channels.
	expiretimeout = 30m

	 * Sets the timeout period for reading from the uplink.
	readtimeout = 5s

	 * Sets the interval between sending warning messages for program errors via
	warningtimeout = 4h

	 * Sets the (maximum) frequency at which the timeout list is checked. This,
	 * combined with readtimeout above, determines how accurately timed events,
	 * such as nick kills, occur; it also determines how much CPU time Services
	 * will use doing this. Higher values will cause less accurate timing but
	 * less CPU usage.
	 * Note that this value is not an absolute limit on the period between
	 * checks of the timeout list; the previous may be as great as readtimeout
	 * (above) during periods of inactivity.
	 * If this directive is not given, it will default to 0.
	timeoutcheck = 3s

	 * If set, this will allow users to let Services send PRIVMSGs to them
	 * instead of NOTICEs. Also see the "msg" option of nickserv:defaults,
	 * which also toggles the default communication (PRIVMSG or NOTICE) to
	 * use for unregistered users.
	 * This is a feature that is against the IRC RFC and should be used ONLY
	 * if absolutely necessary.
	 * This directive is optional, and not recommended.
	#useprivmsg = yes

	 * If set, will force Services to only respond to PRIVMSGs addresses to
	 * Nick@ServerName - e.g. [email protected]. This should be used in
	 * conjunction with IRCd aliases. This directive is optional.
	 * This option will have no effect on some IRCds, such as TS6 IRCds.
	#usestrictprivmsg = yes

	 * If set, Services will only show /stats o to IRC Operators. This directive
	 * is optional.
	#hidestatso = yes

	 * A space-separated list of ulined servers on your network, it is assumed that
	 * the servers in this list are allowed to set channel modes and Services will
	 * not attempt to reverse their mode changes.
	 * WARNING: Do NOT put your normal IRC user servers in this directive.
	 * This directive is optional.
	#ulineservers = ""

	 * How long to wait between connection retries with the uplink(s).
	retrywait = 60s

	 * If set, Services will hide commands that users don't have the privilege to execute
	 * from HELP output.
	hideprivilegedcommands = yes

	 * If set, Services will hide commands that users can't execute because they are not
	 * logged in from HELP output.
	hideregisteredcommands = yes

	/* The regex engine to use, as provided by the regex modules.
	 * Leave commented to disable regex matching.
	 * Note for this to work the regex module providing the regex engine must be loaded.
	regexengine = "regex/pcre"

	 * A list of languages to load on startup that will be available in /nickserv set language.
	 * Useful if you translate Anope to your language. (Explained further in docs/LANGUAGE).
	 * Note that english should not be listed here because it is the base language.
	 * Removing .UTF-8 will instead use the default encoding for the language, eg. iso-8859-1 for western European languages.
	languages = "ca_ES.UTF-8 de_DE.UTF-8 el_GR.UTF-8 es_ES.UTF-8 fr_FR.UTF-8 hu_HU.UTF-8 it_IT.UTF-8 nl_NL.UTF-8 pl_PL.UTF-8 pt_PT.UTF-8 ru_RU.UTF-8 tr_TR.UTF-8"

	 * Default language that non- and newly-registered nicks will receive messages in.
	 * Set to "en" to enable English. Defaults to the language the system uses.
	defaultlanguage = "fr_FR.UTF-8"

 * [OPTIONAL] BotServ
 * Includes botserv.example.conf, which is necessary for BotServ functionality.
 * Remove this block to disable BotServ.
	type = "file"
	name = "botserv.example.conf"

 * Includes chanserv.example.conf, which is necessary for ChanServ functionality.
 * Remove this block to disable ChanServ.
	type = "file"
	name = "chanserv.example.conf"

 * Includes global.example.conf, which is necessary for Global functionality.
 * Remove this block to disable Global.
	type = "file"
	name = "global.example.conf"

 * [OPTIONAL] HostServ
 * Includes hostserv.example.conf, which is necessary for HostServ functionality.
 * Remove this block to disable HostServ.
	type = "file"
	name = "hostserv.example.conf"

 * [OPTIONAL] MemoServ
 * Includes memoserv.example.conf, which is necessary for MemoServ functionality.
 * Remove this block to disable MemoServ.
	type = "file"
	name = "memoserv.example.conf"

 * [OPTIONAL] NickServ
 * Includes nickserv.example.conf, which is necessary for NickServ functionality.
 * Remove this block to disable NickServ.
	type = "file"
	name = "nickserv.example.conf"

 * Includes operserv.example.conf, which is necessary for OperServ functionality.
 * Remove this block to disable OperServ.
	type = "file"
	name = "operserv.example.conf"

 * [RECOMMENDED] Logging Configuration
 * This section is used for configuring what is logged and where it is logged to.
 * You may have multiple log blocks if you wish. Remember to properly secure any
 * channels you choose to have Anope log to!
	 * Target(s) to log to, which may be one of the following:
	 *   - a channel name
	 *   - a filename
	 *   - globops
	target = "services.log"

	/* Log to both services.log and the channel #services
	 * Note that some older IRCds, such as Ratbox, require services to be in the
	 * log channel to be able to message it. To do this, configure service:channels to
	 * join your logging channel.
	#target = "services.log #services"

	 * The source(s) to only accept log messages from. Leave commented to allow all sources.
	 * This can be a users name, a channel name, one of our clients (eg, OperServ), or a server name.
	#source = ""

	 * The bot used to log generic messages which have no predefined sender if there
	 * is a channel in the target directive.
	bot = "Global"

	 * The number of days to keep logfiles, only useful if you are logging to a file.
	 * Set to 0 to never delete old logfiles.
	 * Note that Anope must run 24 hours a day for this feature to work correctly.
	logage = 7

	 * What types of log messages should be logged by this block. There are nine general categories:
	 *  admin      - Execution of admin commands (OperServ, etc).
	 *  override   - A services operator using their powers to execute a command they couldn't normally.
	 *  commands   - Execution of general commands.
	 *  servers    - Server actions, linking, squitting, etc.
	 *  channels   - Actions in channels such as joins, parts, kicks, etc.
	 *  users      - User actions such as connecting, disconnecting, changing name, etc.
	 *  other      - All other messages without a category.
	 *  rawio      - Logs raw input and output from services
	 *  debug      - Debug messages (log files can become VERY large from this).
	 * These options determine what messages from the categories should be logged. Wildcards are accepted, and
	 * you can also negate values with a ~. For example, "~operserv/akill operserv/*" would log all operserv
	 * messages except for operserv/akill. Note that processing stops at the first matching option, which
	 * means "* ~operserv/*" would log everything because * matches everything.
	 * Valid admin, override, and command options are:
	 *    pesudo-serv/commandname (eg, operserv/akill, chanserv/set)
	 * Valid server options are:
	 *    connect, quit, sync, squit
	 * Valid channel options are:
	 *    create, destroy, join, part, kick, leave, mode
	 * Valid user options are:
	 *    connect, disconnect, quit, nick, ident, host, mode, maxusers, oper, away
	 * Rawio and debug are simple yes/no answers, there are no types for them.
	 * Note that modules may add their own values to these options.
	admin = "*"
	override = "chanserv/* nickserv/* memoserv/set ~botserv/set botserv/*"
	commands = "~operserv/* *"
	servers = "*"
	#channels = "~mode *"
	users = "connect disconnect nick"
	other = "*"
	rawio = no
	debug = no

 * A log block to globops some useful things.
	target = "globops"
	admin = "global/* operserv/chankill operserv/mode operserv/kick operserv/akill operserv/s*line operserv/noop operserv/jupe operserv/oline operserv/set operserv/svsnick operserv/svsjoin operserv/svspart nickserv/getpass */drop"
	servers = "squit"
	users = "oper"
	other = "expire/* bados akill/*"

 * [RECOMMENDED] Oper Access Config
 * This section is used to set up staff access to restricted oper only commands.
 * You may define groups of commands and privileges, as well as who may use them.
 * This block is recommended, as without it you will be unable to access most oper commands.
 * It replaces the old ServicesRoot directive amongst others.
 * The command names below are defaults and are configured in the *serv.conf's. If you configure
 * additional commands with permissions, such as commands from third party modules, the permissions
 * must be included in the opertype block before the command can be used.
 * Available privileges:
 *  botserv/administration        - Can view and assign private BotServ bots
 *  botserv/fantasy               - Can use fantasy commands without the FANTASIA privilege
 *  chanserv/administration       - Can modify the settings of any channel (including changing of the owner!)
 *  chanserv/access/list          - Can view channel access and akick lists, but not modify them
 *  chanserv/access/modify        - Can modify channel access and akick lists, and use /chanserv enforce
 *  chanserv/auspex               - Can see any information with /chanserv info
 *  chanserv/no-register-limit    - May register an unlimited number of channels and nicknames
 *  chanserv/kick                 - Can kick and ban users from channels through ChanServ
 *  memoserv/info                 - Can see any information with /memoserv info
 *  memoserv/set-limit            - Can set the limit of max stored memos on any user and channel
 *  memoserv/no-limit             - Can send memos through limits and throttles
 *  nickserv/access               - Can modify other users access and certificate lists
 *  nickserv/alist                - Can see the channel access list of other users
 *  nickserv/auspex               - Can see any information with /nickserv info
 *  nickserv/confirm              - Can confirm other users nicknames
 *  nickserv/drop                 - Can drop other users nicks
 *  operserv/config               - Can modify services's configuration
 *  operserv/oper/modify          - Can add and remove operators with at most the same privileges
 *  protected                     - Can not be kicked from channels by Services
 * Available commands:
 *   botserv/bot/del          botserv/bot/add               botserv/bot/change        botserv/set/private
 *   botserv/set/nobot
 *   chanserv/drop            chanserv/getkey               chanserv/invite
 *   chanserv/list            chanserv/suspend              chanserv/topic
 *   chanserv/saset/noexpire
 *   memoserv/sendall        memoserv/staff
 *   nickserv/getpass        nickserv/getemail      nickserv/suspend      nickserv/ajoin
 *   nickserv/list
 *   nickserv/saset/autoop     nickserv/saset/email   nickserv/saset/greet     nickserv/saset/password
 *   nickserv/saset/display    nickserv/saset/kill    nickserv/saset/language  nickserv/saset/message
 *   nickserv/saset/private    nickserv/saset/secure  nickserv/saset/url       nickserv/saset/noexpire
 *   nickserv/saset/keepmodes
 *   hostserv/set            hostserv/del           hostserv/list
 *   global/global
 *   operserv/news         operserv/stats        operserv/kick       operserv/exception    operserv/seen
 *   operserv/mode         operserv/session      operserv/modinfo    operserv/ignore       operserv/chanlist
 *   operserv/chankill     operserv/akill        operserv/sqline     operserv/snline       operserv/userlist
 *   operserv/oper         operserv/config       operserv/umode      operserv/logsearch
 *   operserv/modload      operserv/jupe         operserv/set        operserv/noop
 *   operserv/quit         operserv/update       operserv/reload     operserv/restart
 *   operserv/shutdown     operserv/svs          operserv/oline      operserv/kill
 * Firstly, we define 'opertypes' which are named whatever we want ('Network Administrator', etc).
 * These can contain commands for oper-only strings (see above) which grants access to that specific command,
 * and privileges (which grant access to more general permissions for the named area).
 * Wildcard entries are permitted for both, e.g. 'commands = "operserv/*"' for all OperServ commands.
 * Below are some default example types, but this is by no means exhaustive,
 * and it is recommended that you configure them to your needs.

	/* The name of this opertype */
	name = "Helper"

	/* What commands (see above) this opertype has */
	commands = "hostserv/*"

	/* The name of this opertype */
	name = "Services Operator"

	/* What opertype(s) this inherits from. Separate with a comma. */
	inherits = "Helper, Another Helper"

	/* What commands (see above) this opertype may use */
	commands = "chanserv/list chanserv/suspend chanserv/topic memoserv/staff nickserv/list nickserv/suspend operserv/mode operserv/chankill operserv/akill operserv/session operserv/modinfo operserv/sqline operserv/oper operserv/kick operserv/ignore operserv/snline"

	/* What privs (see above) this opertype has */
	privs = "chanserv/auspex chanserv/no-register-limit memoserv/* nickserv/auspex nickserv/confirm"

	 * Modes to be set on users when they identify to accounts linked to this opertype.
	 * This can be used to automatically oper users who identify for services operator accounts, and is
	 * useful for setting modes such as Plexus's user mode +N.
	 * Note that some IRCds, such as InspIRCd, do not allow directly setting +o, and this will not work.
	#modes = "+o"

	name = "Services Administrator"

	inherits = "Services Operator"

	commands = "botserv/* chanserv/access/list chanserv/drop chanserv/getkey chanserv/saset/noexpire memoserv/sendall nickserv/saset/* nickserv/getemail operserv/news operserv/jupe operserv/svs operserv/stats operserv/oline operserv/noop operserv/forbid global/*"

	privs = "*"

	name = "Services Root"

	commands = "*"

	privs = "*"

 * After defining different types of operators in the above opertype section, we now define who is in these groups
 * through 'oper' blocks, similar to ircd access.
 * The default is to comment these out (so NOBODY will have Services access).
 * You probably want to add yourself and a few other people at minimum.
 * As with all permissions, make sure to only give trustworthy people access to Services.

	/* The nickname of this services oper */
	#name = "nick1"

	/* The opertype this person will have */
	type = "Services Root"

	/* If set, the user must be an oper on the IRCd to gain their Services
	 * oper privileges.
	require_oper = yes

	/* An optional password. If defined the user must login using "/msg OperServ LOGIN" first */
	#password = "secret"

	/* An optional SSL fingerprint. If defined, it's required to be able to use this opertype. */
	#certfp = "ed3383b3f7d74e89433ddaa4a6e5b2d7"

	/* An optional list of user@host masks. If defined the user must be connected from one of them */
	#host = "*@* ident@*"

	/* An optional vHost to set on users who identify for this oper block.
	 * This will override HostServ vHosts, and may not be available on all IRCds
	#vhost = "oper.mynet"

	name = "nick2"
	type = "Services Administrator"

	name = "nick3"
	type = "Helper"

 * [OPTIONAL] Mail Config
 * This section contains settings related to the use of e-mail from Services.
 * If the usemail directive is set to yes, unless specified otherwise, all other
 * directives are required.
 * NOTE: Users can find the IP of the machine services is running on by examining
 * mail headers. If you do not want your IP known, you should set up a mail relay
 * to strip the relevant headers.
	 * If set, this option enables the mail commands in Services. You may choose
	 * to disable it if you have no Sendmail-compatible mailer installed. Whilst
	 * this directive (and entire block) is optional, it is required if
	 * nickserv:registration is set to yes.
	usemail = yes

	 * This is the command-line that will be used to call the mailer to send an
	 * e-mail. It must be called with all the parameters needed to make it
	 * scan the mail input to find the mail recipient; consult your mailer
	 * documentation.
	 * Postfix users must use the compatible sendmail utility provided with
	 * it. This one usually needs no parameters on the command-line. Most
	 * sendmail applications (or replacements of it) require the -t option
	 * to be used.
	sendmailpath = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t"

	 * This is the e-mail address from which all the e-mails are to be sent from.
	 * It should really exist.
	sendfrom = "[email protected]"

	 * This controls the minimum amount of time a user must wait before sending
	 * another e-mail after they have sent one. It also controls the minimum time
	 * a user must wait before they can receive another e-mail.
	 * This feature prevents users from being mail bombed using Services and
	 * it is highly recommended that it be used.
	 * This directive is optional, but highly recommended.
	delay = 5m

	 * If set, Services will not attempt to put quotes around the TO: fields
	 * in e-mails.
	 * This directive is optional, and as far as we know, it's only needed
	 * if you are using ESMTP or QMail to send out e-mails.
	#dontquoteaddresses = yes

	 * The subject and message of emails sent to users when they register accounts.
	registration_subject = "Nickname registration for %n"
	registration_message = "Hi,

				You have requested to register the nickname %n on %N.
				Please type \" /msg NickServ CONFIRM %c \" to complete registration.

				If you don't know why this mail was sent to you, please ignore it silently.

				%N administrators."

	 * The subject and message of emails sent to users when they request a new password.
	reset_subject = "Reset password request for %n"
	reset_message = "Hi,

			You have requested to have the password for %n reset.
			To reset your password, type \" /msg NickServ CONFIRM %n %c \"

			If you don't know why this mail was sent to you, please ignore it silently.

			%N administrators."

	 * The subject and message of emails sent to users when they request a new email address.
	emailchange_subject = "Email confirmation"
	emailchange_message = "Hi,

			You have requested to change your email address from %e to %E.
			Please type \" /msg NickServ CONFIRM %c \" to confirm this change.

			If you don't know why this mail was sent to you, please ignore it silently.

			%N administrators."

	 * The subject and message of emails sent to users when they receive a new memo.
	memo_subject = "New memo"
	memo_message = "Hi %n,

			You've just received a new memo from %s. This is memo number %d.

			Memo text:


 * [REQUIRED] Database configuration.
 * This section is used to configure databases used by Anope.
 * You should at least load one database method, otherwise any data you
 * have will not be stored!

 * [DEPRECATED] db_old
 * This is the old binary database format from late Anope 1.7.x, Anope 1.8.x, and
 * early Anope 1.9.x. This module only loads these databases, and will NOT save them.
 * You should only use this to upgrade old databases to a newer database format by loading
 * other database modules in addition to this one, which will be used when saving databases.
	name = "db_old"

	 * This is the encryption type used by the databases. This must be set correctly or
	 * your passwords will not work. Valid options are: md5, oldmd5, sha1, and plain.
	 * You must also be sure to load the correct encryption module below in the Encryption
	 * Modules section so that your passwords work.
	#hash = "md5"

 * [RECOMMENDED] db_flatfile
 * This is the default flatfile database format.
	name = "db_flatfile"

	 * The database name db_flatfile should use
	database = "anope.db"

	 * Sets the number of days backups of databases are kept. If you don't give it,
	 * or if you set it to 0, Services won't backup the databases.
	 * NOTE: Services must run 24 hours a day for this feature to work.
	 * This directive is optional, but recommended.
	keepbackups = 3

	 * Allows Services to continue file write operations (i.e. database saving)
	 * even if the original file cannot be backed up. Enabling this option may
	 * allow Services to continue operation under conditions where it might
	 * otherwise fail, such as a nearly-full disk.
	 * NOTE: Enabling this option can cause irrecoverable data loss under some
	 * conditions, so make CERTAIN you know what you're doing when you enable it!
	 * This directive is optional, and you are discouraged against enabling it.
	#nobackupokay = yes

	 * If enabled, services will fork a child process to save databases.
	 * This is only useful with very large databases, with hundreds
	 * of thousands of objects, that have a noticeable delay from
	 * writing databases.
	 * If your database is large enough cause a noticeable delay when
	 * saving you should consider a more powerful alternative such
	 * as db_sql or db_redis, which incrementally update their
	 * databases asynchronously in real time.
	fork = no

 * db_sql and db_sql_live
 * db_sql module allows saving and loading databases using one of the SQL engines.
 * This module loads the databases once on startup, then incrementally updates
 * objects in the database as they are changed within Anope in real time. Changes
 * to the SQL tables not done by Anope will have no effect and will be overwritten.
 * db_sql_live module allows saving and loading databases using one of the SQL engines.
 * This module reads and writes to SQL in real time. Changes to the SQL tables
 * will be immediately reflected into Anope. This module should not be loaded
 * in conjunction with db_sql.
	name = "db_sql"
	#name = "db_sql_live"

	 * The SQL service db_sql(_live) should use, these are configured in modules.conf.
	 * For MySQL, this should probably be mysql/main.
	engine = "sqlite/main"

	 * An optional prefix to prepended to the name of each created table.
	 * Do not use the same prefix for other programs.
	#prefix = "anope_db_"

	/* Whether or not to import data from another database module in to SQL on startup.
	 * If you enable this, be sure that the database services is configured to use is
	 * empty and that another database module to import from is loaded before db_sql.
	 * After you enable this and do a database import you should disable it for
	 * subsequent restarts.
	 * Note that you can not import databases using db_sql_live. If you want to import
	 * databases and use db_sql_live you should import them using db_sql, then shut down
	 * and start services with db_sql_live.
	import = false

 * db_redis.
 * This module allows using Redis ( as a database backend.
 * This module requires that m_redis is loaded and configured properly.
 * Redis 2.8 supports keyspace notifications which allows Redis to push notifications
 * to Anope about outside modifications to the database. This module supports this and
 * will internally reflect any changes made to the database immediately once notified.
 * See docs/REDIS for more information regarding this.
	name = "db_redis"

	 * Redis database to use. This must be configured with m_redis.
	engine = "redis/main"

 * [RECOMMENDED] Encryption modules.
 * The encryption modules are used when dealing with passwords. This determines how
 * the passwords are stored in the databases, and does not add any security as
 * far as transmitting passwords over the network goes.
 * Without any encryption modules loaded users will not be able to authenticate unless
 * there is another module loaded that provides authentication checking, such as
 * m_ldap_authentication or m_sql_authentication.
 * With enc_none, passwords will be stored in plain text, allowing for passwords
 * to be recovered later but it isn't secure and therefore is not recommended.
 * The other encryption modules use one-way encryption, so the passwords can not
 * be recovered later if those are used.
 * The first encryption module loaded is the primary encryption module. All new passwords are
 * encrypted by this module. Old passwords stored in another encryption method are
 * automatically re-encrypted by the primary encryption module on next identify.
 * NOTE: enc_old is Anope's previous (broken) MD5 implementation which is present in
 * versions prior to Anope 1.7.17. If your databases were made using that module,
 * use this and not enc_md5.
 * NOTE: enc_sha1 relies on how the OS stores 2+ byte data internally, and is
 * potentially broken when moving between 2 different OSes, such as moving from
 * Linux to Windows. It is recommended that you use enc_sha256 instead if you want
 * to use an SHA-based encryption. If you choose to do so, it is also recommended
 * that you first try to get everyone's passwords converted to enc_sha256 before
 * switching OSes by placing enc_sha256 at the beginning of the list.

#module { name = "enc_bcrypt" }
module { name = "enc_sha256" }
#module { name = "enc_md5" }
#module { name = "enc_sha1" }

 * When using enc_none, passwords will be stored without encryption. This isn't secure
 * therefore it is not recommended.
#module { name = "enc_none" }

 * enc_old is Anope's previous (broken) MD5 implementation used from 1.4.x to 1.7.16.
 * If your databases were made using that module, load it here to allow conversion to the primary
 * encryption method.
#module { name = "enc_old" }

/* Extra (optional) modules. */
	type = "file"
	name = "modules.example.conf"

 * Chanstats module.
 * Requires a MySQL Database.
	type = "file"
	name = "chanstats.example.conf"

 * IRC2SQL Gateway
 * This module collects data about users, channels and servers. It doesn't build stats
 * itself, however, it gives you the database, it's up to you how you use it.
 * Requires a MySQL Database and MySQL version 5.5 or higher
	type = "file"
	name = "irc2sql.example.conf"

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Re: Anope not connect to Unreal

Post by Syzop »

If 1) you connect as a user to your irc server and become IRCOp, and then 2) you start anope... what do you see on IRC?
UnrealIRCd may give you some server notices with additional information.
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Re: Anope not connect to Unreal

Post by Moya »

i seen nothing, just user connected (if user join chan)
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Re: Anope not connect to Unreal

Post by Moya »

is my config is bad or something else ?
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Joined: Sun Nov 26, 2017 3:41 pm

Re: Anope not connect to Unreal

Post by Moya »

my unreal say this :

Code: Select all

* Moya a mis le mode +i sur Moya
* Moya a mis le mode +w sur Moya
* Moya a mis le mode +x sur Moya
* Moya a mis le mode +z sur Moya
* - Moya - * :🕱 Toxique  🕱
* Bio.leviathan :is now your displayed host
* Moya a mis le mode +o sur Moya
* Moya a mis le mode +s sur Moya
* Moya a mis le mode +t sur Moya
* Server notice mask (+kcfvGqSsob)
* You are now an IRC Operator
UnrealIRCd head coder
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Location: .nl

Re: Anope not connect to Unreal

Post by Syzop »

Strange. You could try linking without ssl.. so in your services.conf
port = 6667
ssl = no

(Since you're on localhost SSL is not important anyway)
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Location: .nl

Re: Anope not connect to Unreal

Post by Syzop »

Also, I see you don't have a link { } block for your services in your unrealircd.conf. But UnrealIRCd will definately give you a warning about that when anope tries to link ;)

PS: :I will leave further help up to someone else
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Re: Anope not connect to Unreal

Post by Moya »

i'v added this in unrealircd.conf

Code: Select all

link {
    incoming {
        mask 1.2.3.*;
    outgoing {
        port 6900;
        options { ssl; autoconnect; }; 
    password "pvwyuznEh+OI3d8SxoNNcmEtAdAxT/73393hrDoPJEI=" { spkifp; };
    hub *; /* optional */
    class servers;
ulines {;
And Anope say always :

Code: Select all

Starting Anope
Anope 2.0.5, build #2, compiled 11:33:14 Nov 26 2017
Using configuration file conf/services.conf
Attempting to connect to uplink #1 (, port 6900
Successfully connected to uplink #1
Lost connection from uplink #1 ( Connection reset by peer
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Re: Anope not connect to Unreal

Post by PeGaSuS »

Are you using the same password in UnrealIRCd link block and in services.conf?
If not you should.

Also be sure to have a listen block with TLS enabled on port 6900 and IP
IRC Network: PTirc - GitHub: TehPeGaSuS - Help and support: #unreal-support
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Re: Anope not connect to Unreal

Post by PeGaSuS »

Fixing your UnrealIRCd link block:

Code: Select all

link {
    incoming {
        mask *@;
    outgoing {
        hostname; /* I don't use hostname as i won't resolve */
        port 6900;
        options { ssl; autoconnect; }; 
    password "pvwyuznEh+OI3d8SxoNNcmEtAdAxT/73393hrDoPJEI=" { spkifp; };
    hub *; /* optional */
    class servers;
Fixing your services link block

Code: Select all

	 * The IP or hostname of the IRC server you wish to connect Services to.
	 * Usually, you will want to connect Services over (aka localhost).
	 * NOTE: On some shell providers, this will not be an option.
	host = ""

	 * Enable if Services should connect using IPv6.
	ipv6 = no

	 * Enable if Services should connect using SSL.
	 * You must have an SSL module loaded for this to work.
	ssl = yes

	 * The port to connect to.
	 * The IRCd *MUST* be configured to listen on this port, and to accept
	 * server connections.
	 * Refer to your IRCd documentation for how this is to be done.
	port = 6900

	 * The password to send to the IRC server for authentication.
	 * This must match the link block on your IRCd.
	 * Refer to your IRCd documentation for more information on link blocks.
        password = "pvwyuznEh+OI3d8SxoNNcmEtAdAxT/73393hrDoPJEI="

 * [REQUIRED] Server Information
 * This section contains information about the Services server.
	 * The hostname that Services will be seen as, it must have no conflicts with any
	 * other server names on the rest of your IRC network. Note that it does not have
	 * to be an existing hostname, just one that isn't on your network already.
	name = ""

	 * The text which should appear as the server's information in /whois and similar
	 * queries.
	description = "Services for IRC Networks"

	 * The local address that Services will bind to before connecting to the remote
	 * server. This may be useful for multihomed hosts. If omitted, Services will let
	 * the Operating System choose the local address. This directive is optional.
	 * If you don't know what this means or don't need to use it, just leave this
	 * directive commented out.
	localhost = ""

	 * What Server ID to use for this connection?
	 * Note: This should *ONLY* be used for TS6/P10 IRCds. Refer to your IRCd documentation
	 * to see if this is needed.
	#id = "00A"

	 * The filename containing the Services process ID. The path is relative to the
	 * services root directory.
	pid = "data/"

	 * The filename containing the Message of the Day. The path is relative to the
	 * services root directory.
	motd = "conf/services.motd"
IRC Network: PTirc - GitHub: TehPeGaSuS - Help and support: #unreal-support
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Re: Anope not connect to Unreal

Post by jimmypw »

By default anope is compiled without ssl and must be enabled before compilation in order to work.

Before compilation run the ./extras script in the root of the anope zip file and enable ONE of either gnutls or openssl modules. Make sure you have the appropriate -dev package installed.
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Re: Anope not connect to Unreal

Post by PeGaSuS »

You can disable TLS as you're connecting via localhost and try to connect. if connection is successful without TLS that means you've compiled Anope without TLS support, like jimmypw pointed out.
In order to compile Anope with TLS support you need to:

Code: Select all

type: cd anope_src_dir
type: ./extras
type: m_ssl_openssl.cpp and hit enter
type: q and hit enter
type: cd build
type: make && make install
This should enable TLS support for Anope.
Remember that you need the following package to be installed in your machine:

Code: Select all

If you have root access, login as root and type (assuming you're using Debian/Ubuntu, otherwise refer to package details of your vendor):

Code: Select all

apt install openssl-dev 
And that's all. You've successfully enabled Anope TLS support.

Edit: I use the TLS word instead SSL because SSL is dead (R.I.P). I strongly encourage everyone to used the TLS abbreviation.

Best regards.
IRC Network: PTirc - GitHub: TehPeGaSuS - Help and support: #unreal-support