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Disabling Default Modules

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 4:46 am
by acidvegas
Wondering if there is any reason I couldnt disable the following modules:
loadmodule "m_away";
loadmodule "m_ison";
loadmodule "m_links";
loadmodule "m_lusers";
loadmodule "m_map";
loadmodule "m_pass";
loadmodule "m_userhost";
loadmodule "m_watch";
loadmodule "m_trace";
loadmodule "m_tsctl";
loadmodule "m_unsqline";
loadmodule "chanmodes/noinvite";
loadmodule "chanmodes/noknock";

these are all features I dont use on my ircd and would like disabled.

I disabled whowas, invite, and rules and it worked fine.

Re: Disabling Default Modules

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 5:42 am
by Eme
Possibly they can not be disabled because they depend on others and some are necessary to fulfill the requirements of the protocol.

Re: Disabling Default Modules

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 7:00 am
by Syzop
The file conf/modules.default.conf contains a number of sections, the first one is:

Code: Select all

// User commands (MINIMAL)
// These provide just the minimal set of IRC commands that are
// required by RFC1459 along with WATCH and MAP.
Some of the commands you mention are in this first section. I would not recommend disabling these as they provide the minimal/RFC1459 functionality. In particular it's very unusual not to have the basic commands PASS, LUSERS, ISON and USERHOST. Running without these can easily cause issues at clients and/or the server.

Many commands from the other sections (but be sure to read the section headers) could be disabled depending on what kind of server you run and if it's a single server or multi server network. So, yeah, go ahead and disable stuff you don't need in those other sections. UnrealIRCd 4 gives you that ability. And test it of course :)

Also, in general and not specifically towards you, when disabling commands I regularly hear someone say "I don't need this" when they actually don't know what they are doing. For example, I've heard people considering not loading m_nick, thinking this would only affect nick changes.... :roll: