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Module for disbled Prefixes

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 5:29 am
by X-Trancer
hi all

Gives a module for disable the Prefixe ( ~ and & ) Optional per user and not for all user on the ./Config.

Sorry for my english


Best regards

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 5:41 am
by Stealth
There is no module that disables ~ and &. If you don't want ~ and & on your netowrk, it must be disabled in ./Config. If you have windows servers, you need to compile them yourself.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 6:32 am
by X-Trancer
I mean each user individually

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 8:07 am
by Dukat
Each user can -q / -a herself... So it's already for "each user"...

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 9:30 am
by X-Trancer
Ah dukat Swizerland

Dukat es gibt ein Module welches ich schon auf nem irc gesehen habe diese module ergibt einen mode z.b mode c welches für die user die Prefixe verbirgt also das sie es normal sehen mit diesem mode kann jeder user einstellen ob er mit prefixen chaten will oder ohne

Beispiel du kommst in den chat und willst keine ~und & sehen

/mode +c Dukat dann siehste den Owner und Admin als @ alle anderen sehen die ~und & noch

Dukat evt kannst du es übersetzen mein englisch ist nicht so gut thx

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 12:48 pm
by Dukat
There's no such module, sorry. It's not possible to "hide" the prefixes ~ and & with a module, afaik. Where did you see that module on (was it really Unreal?)? What was its name (output of /module)?

So ein Modul gibt es nicht. Es ist nicht möglich, die Präfixe ~ und & mittels einem Modul zu verbergen. Wo hast du dieses Modul denn gesehen? Wars überhaupt ein Unreal-Server? Weisst du den Namen des Moduls (kannst du mittels /module herausfinden)?

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 5:14 pm
by X-Trancer
c compatibility /mode <eigener_nick> +c
Die Prefixes für Admin und Founder (!, *) werden als Op (@) ausgegeben. Viele Clients oder auch Bots haben oft Probleme mit den neuen Modes.
Usermode +c bei die haben unrealircd

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 5:29 pm
by Syzop
Uh, that isn't UnrealIRCd (anymore), it could well be that it is based on Unreal, but then it's based on a very old one (3.1* or earlier) and it seems heavily modified. It's definitely not a real Unreal3.2* (it's lacking various 3.2* features and bugfixes) :P. I don't think that ircd even supports modules ;).

Additionally, it would not be possible from a module anyway. It's quite complex, because it are not simply a few characters.. if you set someone +q (not +qo) then on a PREFIX_AQ ircd they got full owner access ("it's a real level"), on a non-PREFIX_AQ ircd they are not (requires +qo instead). So you would have to do all kinds of fun stuff like transforming a +q to an +o in all cases or to +qo etc etc. Again, it's not possible from a module, so it would involve HEAVILY modifying of the ircd, hence this topic can be locked I think.