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[Request] Listing of Non-Registered Channels

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:20 pm
by DorianD
My server is growing by leaps and bounds, and half the time these days I don't know if all the channels have been properly registered. I was wondering if there was an existing module (or even a command I haven't memorized) that can display for Admins a listing of all non-registered channels... something like /CHANNOREG... or something.


Re: [Request] Listing of Non-Registered Channels

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 4:49 am
by nate
Has been submitted into the bug tracker as a future feature of Unreal to be able to list channels by /LIST that contain or don't contain a certain mode:

May not be modulized yet, but you will most likely see it in a future release of Unreal at least : P