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[REQ] Vhost Module

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 1:55 am
by BigSmoke
Hey all,

I am wondering if someone could make a Vhost module which should do the folowing:

I have set::auto-join <channels>;

However on IRC there is been told to me that this is part of user procesing and it is one of the first things which will be aplied. So all opers will aready join that channel before the /oper command (in perform) and this means none of the opers will have a vhost when they join this channel and everybody sees the real host anyway (I dont want to set +x on connect)

is there a way (someone was talking about m_vhost or something) to make it that opers/vhost users get their vhost BEFORE joining the auto-join channel :)

Thanks in advance,


PS: I am using Windows XP Profesional SP 2