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REQ: Price estimate for 3 modules

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:04 am
by thdevil
Dear Unreal module coders,
I've been using unreal for quite a while and I now have the need for 3 custom modules. If any willing coder could give me a price estimate for these, it would be great. The 3 modules could probably be combined to 1.

The three modules are pretty much based on the same idea as the PrivDeaf module, which allows users to set a usermode where they would not receive private messages.

1. A user mode which, when activated, only allows those you've messaged (through privmsg) (and opers) to send privmsg to you. Channels are not affected.
- Either automatically, or if this is impossible, send allow commands. Ie. /allow <nickname>
- If someone sends you a messages, and they are not allowed to talk to you, send them a notice

2. An enforced user mode (which can only be set on clients by opers/servers) which makes so that a user can only answer privmsg (i.e send privmsg to someone who've allowed them to send to them before). Channels are not affected.
- Force the user who is starting the conversation with them to allow the conversation, i.e /allowconversation <nickname>
- If you haven't sent /allowconversation you get a error/notice stating that you need it to be able to talk.
- When this user mode is enforced upon someone, send them a notice.
- When this user mode is removed from someone, send them a notice.

3. A clone of PrivDeaf, but which can only be set on clients by opers/servers.
- If someone sends you a messages when this user mode is encforced, send them a notice
- When this user mode is enforced upon someone, send them a notice.
- When this user mode is removed from someone, send them a notice.

I run a youth chat, and doing so I have the need to allow my users to choose their "availability". The second module is for people who misbehave in such way that we only want them to be able to write in the channels, not private messages, unless someone actively started the conversation with them. Basically it's users who we deem "not trustworthy" enough to start private conversations. The third module is people who we deem not trustworthy enough to talk private at all (but still can talk in channels which we can monitor more closely)

Re: REQ: Price estimate for 3 modules

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:43 pm
by Casper
You could easyly do 'module 3' by loading the module PrivDeaf, add this to the unrealircd.conf "set::restrict-usermodes D;" Click for the full tutorial. This way only opers can do -D & +D on the users.

Re: REQ: Price estimate for 3 modules

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:01 pm
by thdevil
Thank you, I will try that