Vlink Module

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Vlink Module

Post by ICeCube »

Can create a module to use a Virtual Link? Just like existed in PTlinkIRCd?
many networks in Brazil use this, and I'd like to use this with UnrealIRCd.
Is it viable create this module?
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Re: Vlink Module

Post by Jobe »

You will have to elaborate on what a "virtual link" is?
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Re: Vlink Module

Post by katsklaw »

Jobe1986 wrote:You will have to elaborate on what a "virtual link" is?
It's a long drawn out process that does nothing more than change the source of a message.

Please see: http://forum.anope.org/index.php?topic=3538.0
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Re: Vlink Module

Post by ICeCube »

Code: Select all

File: vlinks.c
 Desc: virtual links
 Author: [email protected]
 Based on Brasnet vlinks from [email protected]

#include "client.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "ircd.h"
#include "numeric.h"
#include "s_serv.h"
#include "irc_string.h"
#include "send.h"
#include "s_conf.h"
#include "struct.h"
#include "s_user.h"
#include "vlinks.h"

#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <string.h>

/* svlinks storage 
   name = server name
   passwd = description
aConfItem *vlinks = (aConfItem *)NULL;

 * m_vlink () - add/delete virtual link
 *   parv[0] = sender prefix
 *   parv[1] = [-]virtual server name ('-' as prefix means delete)
 *   parv[2] = virtual server description (only used when adding)
int   m_vlink(struct Client *cptr, struct Client *sptr, int parc, char *parv[])
    aConfItem *vl, *last_vl = NULL;
   int is_del = 0; /* delete flag */
   if (!IsServer(sptr) && !IsService(sptr)) 
      if (IsServer(cptr))
         ts_warn("Got VLINK from non-service/server: %s", 
         sendto_one(cptr, ":%s WALLOPS :ignoring VLINK from non-service/server %s",
           me.name, sptr->name);
      return 0;
    if(parc>1 && parv[1][0]=='-')
        is_del = 1;
   if(parc<2 || (!is_del && parc<3))
      sendto_one(sptr, form_str(ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS),
           me.name, parv[0], "VLINK");
        return 0;

    if(is_del) /* delete vlink */
        vl = vlinks;
        while(vl && irccmp(vl->name, &parv[1][1]))
            last_vl = vl;
          vl = vl->next;
        if (vl) /* if vlink does exist */
            struct Client *acptr;
            /* lets check if any user pointing to this vlink */
            for (acptr = GlobalClientList; acptr; acptr = acptr->next)
                if(acptr->user && acptr->user->vlink==vl)
                  acptr->user->vlink = NULL;
          if(last_vl) /* this is not the first sqline */
           last_vl->next=vl->next; /* adjust list link -> */
           vlinks = vl->next;         
       sendto_serv_butone(cptr, ":%s VLINK %s",
         parv[0], parv[1]);         
    else /* add vlink */
             ts_warn("Got invalid VLINK hostname: %s from %s", 
           parv[1], sptr->name);
            return 0;
        vl = find_vlink(parv[1]);
            vl = make_conf();
           DupString(vl->name, parv[1]);
            DupString(vl->passwd, parv[2]);
            vl->next = vlinks;
            vlinks = vl;
        sendto_serv_butone(cptr, ":%s VLINK %s :%s",
        parv[0], parv[1], parv[2]);
    return 1;

 * find_vlink  - checks if nick/mask matchs any entry on the vlink list
 * inputs       - lookup nick/mask
 * output       - return gline entry if found or NULL if not found;
 * side effects - none
struct ConfItem* find_vlink(char *nick)
   aConfItem *vl = vlinks;
   while(vl && !match(vl->name, nick))
     vl = vl->next;
   return vl;   
/* send_all_vlinks
 * inputs       - pointer to aClient
 * output       - none
 * Side effects - sends all vlinks to the specified server
void send_all_vlinks(struct Client *acptr)
   aConfItem *vl = vlinks;
       sendto_one(acptr, ":%s VLINK %s :%s",
         me.name, vl->name, vl->passwd);   
      vl = vl->next;      
 * report_vlinks
 * inputs       - pointer to client to report to
 * output       - none
 * side effects - all Q lines are listed to client 
void report_vlinks(struct Client *sptr)
  struct ConfItem *aconf = vlinks;
  char *host;
  char *user;
  char *pass;
  char *name;
  int port;

       get_printable_conf(aconf, &name, &host, &pass, &user, &port);
      sendto_one(sptr, form_str(RPL_STATSQLINE),
                   me.name, sptr->name, name, pass, "", "");

 * clear_vlinks
 * inputs       - none
 * output       - none
 * side effects - clear the vlinks list
void clear_vlinks()
    aConfItem *aconf;    
    aConfItem *vl=vlinks;
    aClient *acptr;
    /* clear all vlink bindings */
    for (acptr = GlobalClientList; acptr; acptr = acptr->next)
        if(acptr->user && acptr->user->vlink)
          acptr->user->vlink = NULL;
      aconf = vl->next;
      vl = aconf;
   vlinks = NULL;   

 * dump_vlinks
 * inputs       - none
 * output       - none
 * side effects - send vlinks list with LINKS format
void dump_vlinks(char* dest, struct Client *acptr)
     aConfItem *vl=vlinks;
    char *mename = me.name;

    if(acptr->user && acptr->user->vlink)
      mename = acptr->user->vlink->name;
        sendto_one(acptr, form_str(RPL_LINKS),
            mename, dest, vl->name, mename,
            0, vl->passwd);    

On IRC Services will appear just link that

-OperServ- Syntax: VLINK ADD virtualhost serverinfo
-OperServ- VLINK DEL virtualhost
-OperServ- VLINK LIST [pattern]
-OperServ- VLINK VIEW [pattern]
-OperServ- Allows Services admins to manipulate the VLINK list.
-OperServ- VLINK allows you to set virtual server names (vhost).

-OperServ- Syntax: VADMIN ADD nick
-OperServ-             VADMIN DEL nick
-OperServ- Allows Services admins to manipulate the VADMIN list.

-OperServ- Syntax: VCOP ADD nick
-OperServ-             VCOP DEL nick
-OperServ- Allows Services admins to manipulate the VCOP list.
Last edited by SpaceDoG on Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Added code tags.
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Re: Vlink Module

Post by chevyman2002 »

If you're wanting to achieve linking channels or alike, I'd suggest trying out Janus. I've only installed and configured it enough to get it running to assist someone on setting it up for their network but I think it may be what you're looking for..

Your face looks like it was set on fire and put out with an axe ;x.
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