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Module kill/kline users after connecting and join no channel

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 11:10 pm
by ramitta
Hello ,
I was looking for a module that kill/kline/gline users who join my server and idle for while ( like 30 seconds ) without join any channel and after while they join a channel and flood .

I think I saw it somewhere but don't know where .

If any one have it or can make it for me , I'll be grateful for him .

thank you ,

Re: Module kill/kline users after connecting and join no cha

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:15 pm
by katsklaw
If it's not listed on: then we likely don't know about it. Google is thus your friend.

If you use Anope they have a module at: os_notinchanlist.c If you don't use Anope or this module doesn't work for you, again, Google is your friend.

If by chance Google cannot help you, it's time to consider the possibility that the module you saw isn't available to the public.