
The UnrealIRCd team does not officially provide support for any services packages that you may be using or want to use. This forum is provided so the community can help each other with services issues.

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Joined: Wed Apr 28, 2004 9:51 am


Post by jailmann »


Somone here can help about floodworld i have install it but when i tr to identify me to the floodwolrd i get this

[02:10] *** (s) *** Global -- from FloodWorld: JailMann failed identify (Non-Oper)

but if i do a whois i am a netadmin somone her nows how to kill that server or who do i do t n linux shell
Posts: 65
Joined: Wed Apr 21, 2004 12:26 am
Location: irc://irc.winbots.org/Winbots

You will need to know perl

Post by Winbots »

You have to edit the source code....under the part where you identify... you will have to remove the oper check... and put a line that adds your nick to the oper list... lemme see if i can find it...

Code: Select all

sub do_identify {
   $LastSub = "do_identify";
   @params = split(/\s+/, shift);
   if (@params < 2) {
      &notice($params[0],"Syntax: IDENTIFY Password");
   if (defined($ops{lc($params[0])})) {
#      if ($nicks{lc($params[0])}->{Oper} == 1) {
         if ($ops{lc($params[0])}->{Pass} eq "none") {
            &notice($params[0],"You do not have a password set");
         if (lc($config{'EncryptPass'}) eq "yes") {
            $I_TempPass = &encrypt($params[1]);
         } else {
            $I_TempPass = $params[1];
         if ($ops{lc($params[0])}->{Pass} eq $I_TempPass) {
            $ops{lc($params[0])}->{Identified} = 1;
            $nicks{lc($params[0])}->{Oper} = 1;
            &notice($params[0],"You are now identified");
            &logit("$params[0] successfully identified");
            print $sock ":$MyClientName PRIVMSG $DebugChannel :$params[0] successfully identified.\n" if ($UseDebug);
         } else {
            &notice($params[0],"Access denied (Password Mismatch)");
            &globops("$params[0] failed IDENTIFY (Password Mismatch)");
            &logit("$params[0] failed to IDENTIFY -- Password Mismatch");
#      } else {
#         &globops("$params[0] failed IDENTIFY (Non-Oper)");
#      }
   } else {
      &notice($params[0],"Access denied");
      &globops("$params[0] failed IDENTIFY (No access)");
      &logit("$params[0] failed IDENTIFY -- No access");
Just find the do_identify sub and replce it with that...