Configuration of what users see

If your UnrealIRCd is up and running but you have a question about it, then use this forum.
(NOT for installation or connecting issues! Use the other forum instead.)

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Configuration of what users see

Post by jbs4115 »

Strange title I know but that is what I'm inquiring about.

But first, this is my first visit to this board. I am new to Unrealircd and basically irc itself. I am a Linux user for a few years, Fedora 23 at this point, and have nothing else in my house. Someone at our local LinuxLUG brought up the topic of connecting with each other in a secure manner. Someone else brought up irc and another one suggested Unrealircd as being very good and well supported. I under took this project mainly for the fun of it and to learn something new. Best way to stay young. I have a desktop computer that I use solely for the purpose of running Plex Media Server and thought I could add a little to it. I installed Unrealircd and after a lot of reading and trial/error got it up and running. Documentation was great. I read that to serve this through a browser and not just a client that a webirc was needed. I used the recommendation of KiwiIRC. Install fairly easy and the only problem was getting both running from one address. A friend of mine and I went over the .js file and the .conf file and got them synced together. I commented out the unsecure port and am running just the ssl port. Everything seems to be working okay. I have a no-ip address set up and can enter that in a browser and it connects to KiwiIRC which will then connect to Unrealircd. Several people have tried and had no problems.

Now this is where the question comes in and I'm not for sure if I should ask here or maybe in the KiwiIRC forum. When the address is entered you are taken to a Kiwi site that shows a changeable id, offers the chance to enter a password, shows a channel that is changeable. Server info can be shown and even changed. When you hit enter you are taken to Unrealircd .

The question is if this is the correct way to do this. Is that what should happen? If so, then the next question is how do I change it. I want to prevent the changing of the channel so everyone must enter a certain channel to begin. I also want to prevent the changing of the server address and the port number. I would really like that they be presented with a request for userID and password or a chance to register.

Have I missed a step somewhere? I have installed Anope and am in the process of configuring it for the services.

Any help/suggestions/info appreciated.

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Re: Configuration of what users see

Post by Syzop »

When you talk about a changable id, channel, server info, etc.. I think you are referring to KiwiIRC. KiwiIRC is just an IRC client. I don't have much experience with that one in particular but since it's a client, if you want to prevent changing things as far as the user interface is concerned then KiwiIRC is the place to request / modify / configure such things.

As for "everyone must enter a certain channel", you can configure this server-side to be sure that - no matter what client people are using - users will always join one particular channel on connect. This feature is called set::auto-join and is used by many networks.

Anope is the way to configure nick registrations and channel registrations. It doesn't enforce that everyone must be authenticated (so it allows guests, so to speak) but it can be used to protect registered nick names.

If integration into an existing website (Joomla, vBulletin, etc.) is important to you, so users on your website are automatically registered on IRC, users automatically join via a chat applet without entering their password a second time (if they are logged at to your site), and you want to disable guest access (or not, it's optional), then you may be interested in my SQLMod-II module.
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Location: Washington

Re: Configuration of what users see

Post by jbs4115 »

Thank you very much for those answers. Now I know where I need to go and what I need to do. I will mark this solved as you gave me what I asked for and then some.

Thanks again,
