UnrealIRCd 6.0.0-beta3 available for testing

News about the UnrealIRCd project, including release announcements
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UnrealIRCd head coder
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UnrealIRCd 6.0.0-beta3 available for testing

Post by Syzop »

Third beta!
This is the third beta for UnrealIRCd 6. It contains all the planned features for U6 and now we need the help of the public to test these beta's. Caution: this beta may crash spectacularly, behave weird or in unexpected ways, so don't run it on production systems!
If you find any issues, please report them at https://bugs.unrealircd.org/. This way, you help us getting ready for a real stable UnrealIRCd 6 release.

Changes between beta2 and beta3
  • Fix crash with non-matching link block
  • Update MODE to behave better in mixed U5-U6 networks, preventing desyncs.
  • Only allow setting of snomasks that actually exist in log { } blocks
  • Fix nick-flood message appearing even though the user was not changing nicks
  • Added set::server-notice-colors and oper::server-notice-colors
  • Only fetch updates of GEO IP database every 14 days
  • Add escaping option for URLs using single quotes, needed for extjwt.
  • Fewer (duplicate) succesful linking notices
If you are already using a previous 6.0.0 beta then you can upgrade to this latest beta using "./unrealircd upgrade"

UnrealIRCd 6
We have been working on UnrealIRCd 6 behind closed doors since July. A lot of work has been done during the summer vacation.
UnrealIRCd 6 comes with a completely redone logging system (with optional JSON support), named extended bans, four new IRCv3 features, geoip support and remote includes support built-in.
Additionally, things are more customizable such as what gets sent to which snomask. All the +vhoaq channel modes are now modular as well, handy for admins who don't want or need halfops or +q/+a. For WHOIS it is now customizable in detail who gets to see what.

See the release notes of this beta release for detailed information on all the new features and some caveats such as how to update your U5 config to work on U6. As always, you can download UnrealIRCd from https://www.unrealircd.org/

UnrealIRCd 5
For information on how long UnrealIRCd 5 is supported, see this news post from Oct 30, 2021.
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