Please help.
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[Apr 21 17:51:25 2023] SERVER: (Scratchware Inc.) has connected to the network (uplinked to no uplink)
[Apr 21 17:51:25 2023] Anope 2.0.12 starting up
[Apr 21 17:51:25 2023] Unable to initialize languages, gettext is not installed
[Apr 21 17:51:25 2023] Loading modules...
[Apr 21 17:51:25 2023] Using IRCd protocol unreal4
[Apr 21 17:51:25 2023] Loading databases...
[Apr 21 17:51:25 2023] DB_FLATFILE: Unable to open data/anope.db for reading!
[Apr 21 17:51:25 2023] Databases loaded
[Apr 21 17:51:25 2023] Attempting to connect to uplink #1 ( with protocol UnrealIRCd 4+
[Apr 21 17:51:25 2023] Successfully connected to uplink #1
[Apr 21 17:51:26 2023] Lost connection from uplink #1 ( Connection reset by peer
[Apr 21 17:51:26 2023] Unable to connect to any uplink
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*The IP or hostname of the IRC server you wish to connect Services to.
* Usually, you will want to connect Services over (aka localhost).
*NOTE: On some shell providers, this will not be an option.
host = ""
* Enable if Services should connect using IPv6.
ipv6 = no
* Enable if Services should connect using SSL.
* You must have an SSL module loaded for this to work.
ssl = no
* The port to connect to.
* The IRCD *MUST be configured to listen on this port, and to accept server connections.
* Refer to your IRCd documentation for how this is to be done.
port = 6900
* The password to send to the IRC server for authentication.
* This must match the link block on your IRCd.
* Refer to your IRCd documentation for more information on link blocks.
password = "*********"
Code: Select all
listen {
ip *;
port 6900;
options { serversonly; }
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link {
incoming {
outgoing {
bind-ip *;
port 6690;
password "*********";
verify-certificate "no";
class servers;