So, what do you want?

Looking for a module? Or want to see one converted to 6.x?

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So, what do you want?

Post by Valware »

Hi, I write third-party UnrealIRCd modules and I just wanted to ask the UnrealIRCd community what sort of modules they want but are too afraid to ask for. Maybe you don't ask because you think your idea is stupid, or small, or would get easily rejected or something; well stop thinking that, and give me your ideas. Maybe your idea would help the rest of the UnrealIRCd community, we don't know until you ask.

So give me your ideas for modules, it doesn't matter if it feels like it's something that would only apply to your IRC network, or if it seems like it's a small idea and not worth it, I would still like to know about it. Maybe it would get rejected, but maybe it would inspire something much better. So, UnrealIRCd community, your ideas please :D

I want to know what kind of modules you think would be useful to you or to everyone, regardless of what it is.

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Re: So, what do you want?

Post by David »

Here we are! You ask, and you will receive! :D
I would say that it should be updated or created a new one, the one to assign the realname, to date there is only Gottem's gecos_replace (thanks) which however does not accept wildcards

A random quit module is missing, so you can set more than one personalized exit message for web clients, or to make greetings less static

There is no module that warns those who often change nicknames at every connection (if he doesn't change IP obviously), who will be blocked, banned or reported as options on the 4/5th change. This would also help those who have registered-only channels to remove this block and leave more freedom with better control

If I think of anything else, I'll let you know
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Re: So, what do you want?

Post by CrazyCat »

Hi Valware,

For years, I hoped for a module allowing to have an action (warn, kill, gline... same as spamfilter) on users which are not on any channel after a reasonnable delay.
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Re: So, what do you want?

Post by AsLaN »

Hi Valware!

i was wonder if a module can work side-by-side with security groups to add an extra swhois on each client like a complement of the third/logged-in-from module and we can customize that swhois line, like

sg-extra-swhois {
security-group-name { "name";}
swhois { "Customize SWhois line is placed here";}

another idea is to have a module to allow irc operators to send global IRC messages to all ( and i mean ALL) channels/users

so far this is my suggestion
Best Regards!
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Re: So, what do you want?

Post by CrazyCat »

Short idea: a way to test spamfilters. Something like /spamfilter test "this is my dummy line and I try" or /spamfilter test -user "lamer!lamer@here :not a real name"
And the test will return which spamfilter triggered or if none did
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Re: So, what do you want?

Post by Valware »

Hi everyone. Thanks very much for all of your suggestions for modules. I am taking them all into consideration and thinking how to implement them, the only thing is, some of them might be slightly different to what you asked for because of reasons, if I make the one you asked for =]
For example something you want might be (in-part) achievable with configuration options. For example:
Hi Valware,

For years, I hoped for a module allowing to have an action (warn, kill, gline... same as spamfilter) on users which are not on any channel after a reasonnable delay.
Well, I know UnrealIRCd may have too many options heh... But you can indeed do that using just Spamfilter, and a bit of a hacky method heheh.
Here's what I mean:

Code: Select all

 /* For CrazyCat, with love from Valware <3       /*
  * This is a sort-of advanced configuration you   *
  * can use for banning users who lurk outside     *
  * of channels, after a specific duration.        *
  * This one waits for 30 minutes (1800 seconds)   *
  * and bans for 12 hours. It also only affects    *
  * users who have a low reputation (below 30)     *
  * but you can change any of these values         *
  * below to match the flow of your network.       *
 \*                                               \*

// change this to match what you prefer
// reputation less than 30
// have no joins found on our event check (PONG)
security-group lurker {
    rule "reputation() < 30 && tag('JOINS') == 0";

// they've been here for 30 minutes and still a lurker
security-group lurker-to-be-banned {
    rule "in_security_group('lurker') && online_time() > 1800";

/* This is a bit of a hack. We are making a check on lurkers
 * every PING/PONG (which happens a LOT and you can configure
 * when this happens) whether they are in a channel and keeping
 * track using a "tag". So you can consider this spamfilter to
 * be an event timer which runs whenever your allow {} block
 * matching this user is, by default is 90 second intervals
spamfilter {
    match-type simple;
    match 'PONG *';
    target { raw; }
    rule "in_security_group('lurker') && !in_security_group('lurker-to-be-banned') && in_channel('#*')";
    action { set JOINS++; }

/* Ban them using our inventive and cool event timer
 * if they did not join any channels after 30 mins
 * as per security-group "lurker-to-be-banned"
spamfilter {
    match-type simple;
    match 'PONG *';
    target { raw; }
    rule "in_security_group('lurker-to-be-banned')";
    action { gzline; }
    ban-time 12h;
    reason "Lurking is not permitted";
As for the everyone else, let's see what your ideas inspire!
Thank you again. If you have any more ideas, please keep them coming.
Got an idea for a module? Don't be shy! Come talk to me on #unreal-support
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Re: So, what do you want?

Post by CrazyCat »

I'll test that, I didn't think to play this way with spamfilter... Impressive
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Re: So, what do you want?

Post by CrazyCat »

Just a little feedback: it works like a charm, thanx again !
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