UnrealIRCd released

News about the UnrealIRCd project, including release announcements
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UnrealIRCd head coder
Posts: 2140
Joined: Sat Mar 06, 2004 8:57 pm
Location: .nl

UnrealIRCd released

Post by Syzop »

UnrealIRCd is now available.

Did you already upgrade to 6.1.9?
For the 40-50 people who already upgraded to 6.1.9: it had a bug if you were using an RSA certificate (and not ECC certificate) that TLSv1.2 was not working. Signs were that users would be unable to connect with SSL/TLS. This can be fixed either by upgrading to or easily by putting this in the unrealircd.conf (be sure you copy paste the complete text.. it has an horizontal scrollbar):

Code: Select all

Please only do that if you are running 6.1.9 and need the fix/workaround.

The announcement
Here's the original 6.1.9 release announcement:

This 6.1.9(.1) release fixes a number of bugs, such as IPv6 hosts not resolving in UnrealIRCd 6.1.8/ and 100% CPU usage in some circumstances. It also changes the SSL/TLS defaults to make things a little safer/better. Unless major issues are found this should be the last release of 2024. Next stable release is expected in January/February 2025.

The release notes are here. As always, you can download UnrealIRCd from unrealircd.org. If you want to upgrade on *NIX, then use: ./unrealircd upgrade

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