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CGI-IRC Assitance

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 2:05 pm
by Matridom
I've re cently downloaded CGI-IRC and i'm trying to get it to run properly.

I'm having problems and as the cgi-irc webmaster does not have a support forum, I'm hoping to get some help here.

What is occuring is that the page will load, the script runs and it connects to the IRC server. However after about 5 seconds in a channel, the page will no longer interact, i get the "loading" bar at the bottom and any text typed will not show up, in either way. The error from IRC is ping-timeout after a period of time, the browser never shows any errors.

apache2 on debian is what i'm running this on.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:38 pm
by Matridom
issue resolved, had to update to apache 2.54