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Has anyone had any problem with eggdrops and Unreal3.2.6

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:14 pm
by droolin
We've had a channel eggdrop running now for errr, years without any changes to the tcl scripts. Sence we have updated to Unreal3.2.6, we seen that some of the commands were no longer executing. When I watched the commands in telnet, I seen we were receiving the following errror:
[11:08] Tcl error [pub_listen]: couldn't open socket: connection refused
What the bot was doing was sending a private message to people providing url information for listening to a radio station. It seems that all private message commands now no longer work.

When we upgraded the Unreal, we also compiled everything with zip links. We have not put this in place yet though(we never updated the links section). That is the only thing I can think that may have caused this.

The only reason I ask the question here is, again... We never changed any of the scripts or server the bot runs on. Right after the upgrade, it quit issuing private messages.

Any and all help is appriceated, thanks.


Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 9:25 pm
by Jobe
Your first start should be the list of changes which as far as i know list NOTHING changed in the private messaging. Also that error suggest a problem with your TCL script not Unreal anyway.

I know you said nothing has been changed in the TCL script but the error there suggests the bot couldnt connect to something somewhere.

Jobe1986, thank you for your response

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 6:18 pm
by droolin
I wanted to follow this up with the fact I've tracked down what caused this. When I seen the error message that I previuosly posted, I didnt toally walk the tcl code to see what was going on. I knew that it was issuing private messages, but I didn't look no further. What I found is this eggie also opens a socket to read a web page to the radio we have running.

Umm, I moved the radio to a different server. And umm, I changed the daemon we were using because of it. So, it comes down to the socket to the web page is not working... And has nothing to do with Unreal.

I appoligise for the stupid question. And again, thank you for your feed back.
