Looking for custom Cloak Module.
Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 2:25 am
Hi guys,
Im not sure if anybody is going to help me with this..
But i Ablsolutly have no idea how to rewrite the cloak file
Anyways im going to explain this so you guys can see what im getting at and hopfully someone can give me ideas, lines, or help me rewrite the cloak file..
Ill start here..
Heres an example of a hostname from a user that connects to my server..
When a user connects with +x it'll show up like this
Fair enough thats great.. cant be dns'd
But my problem is, Its showing too much information about the user..
Like the suburb(Brodm2) and the state(Vic)..
What i am looking for is something custom to i can set directives to tell it how to cloak hosts for example
Would be more ideal..
Have something that says `if last oclet = au - grab last 3 oclets(if thats the word for it) to give vh-xxx.isp.com.au`
or `if last oclet = ca - grab last 2 oclets to give vh-xxxx.isp.ca`
and so on,
Is there anybody that can help me with this issue at all please?
Thanks in advance..
Im not sure if anybody is going to help me with this..
But i Ablsolutly have no idea how to rewrite the cloak file
Anyways im going to explain this so you guys can see what im getting at and hopfully someone can give me ideas, lines, or help me rewrite the cloak file..
Ill start here..
Heres an example of a hostname from a user that connects to my server..
When a user connects with +x it'll show up like this
Fair enough thats great.. cant be dns'd
But my problem is, Its showing too much information about the user..
Like the suburb(Brodm2) and the state(Vic)..
What i am looking for is something custom to i can set directives to tell it how to cloak hosts for example
Would be more ideal..
Have something that says `if last oclet = au - grab last 3 oclets(if thats the word for it) to give vh-xxx.isp.com.au`
or `if last oclet = ca - grab last 2 oclets to give vh-xxxx.isp.ca`
and so on,
Is there anybody that can help me with this issue at all please?
Thanks in advance..