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Linking Unreal3.2 and Atheme Services doesnt work.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:11 pm
by Harry
I tried to Link Atheme Services v.6.0.9 with Unreal3.2 an different systems and got this error from the irc-server:

Code: Select all

*** LocOps -- Link denied for[email protected]) (No link block named '') [@]
The link block (Unreal3.2):

Code: Select all

	username	*;
	bind-ip 	*;
	port 		9889;
	hub             *;
	password-connect "**********";
	password-receive "**********";
	class           servers;
And the serverinfo block (Atheme6.0.9):

Code: Select all

serverinfo {
	name = "";
	desc = "Atheme IRC Services";
	numeric = "00A";
	recontime = 10;
	netname = "FIS";
	hidehostsuffix = "users.fis";
	adminname = "*****************";
	adminemail = "*****************";
	mta = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";
	loglevel = { error; info; admin; network; wallops; };
	maxlogins = 5;
	maxusers = 5;
	maxnicks = 5;
	maxchans = 10;
	mdlimit = 30;
	emaillimit = 10;
	emailtime = 300;
	auth = none;
	casemapping = rfc1459;

Code: Select all

uplink "" {
	host = "";
	vhost = "";
	password = "Ralf1962";
	port = 9857;
OS: FreeBSD 64bit AMD64 Intel i7 (UNIX is simulated, I using a shell-account)
2 Shells are using.
Unreal have ip
Services have ip
I dont know, what the error is, because the named linkblock exists.
And I have rehash the Unreal after every config change.

Re: Linking Unreal3.2 and Atheme Services doesnt work.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:09 pm
by Stealth
(moved to services)

For good measure, restart Unreal and make sure it loads up without any errors. If after that you still get a no link block error, make sure you don't have the link block accidentally commented out by checking the surrounding comments (or simply just removing all comments in your configuration file). Also, you can move the link block to a whole different place in your configuration file to be sure it is outside of any comments.

When rehashing Unreal if there are any errors found in the configuration the new configuration will not be used. Make sure Unreal is rehashing without errors by fully restarting it!

Re: Linking Unreal3.2 and Atheme Services doesnt work.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:49 pm
by Harry
Thank you. I have kill that process and started again, with a bit different config and it Works.
Thank you very much

[DONE] Linking Unreal3.2 and Atheme Services doesnt work.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:11 pm
by Harry
I dont understand that...
I have activated the HostServ and BotServ modules and it dont work anymore.
I have changed it back to the configs that worked fine...It dont work!
Any Ideas why?
PS: What Infos do you need?

EDIT: After stopping UNREAL, Staring, Stopping and Starting again it workes fine.