configure: error: working directory cannot be determined

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configure: error: working directory cannot be determined

Post by FreakAnon »

Hello, I have setup unrealircd many, many times before and whilst installing the latest version (as of this time 5.2.0) on my ubuntu 18.04 vps I am encountering this error. (the one in the title)

here is my log:

Code: Select all

questions regarding the compile-time settings of it during the process.

A short installation guide is available online at:

Full documentation is available at:


The full release notes are available in doc/
For easier viewing, check out the latest online release notes at:

UnrealIRCd 5 is compatible with the following services:
* anope with the "unreal4" protocol module - version 2.0.7 or higher required!
* atheme with the "unreal4" protocol module - tested with version 7.2.9


[Press Enter to continue]
We will now ask you a number of questions. You can just press ENTER to accept the defaults!

In what directory do you want to install UnrealIRCd?
(Note: UnrealIRCd 5 will need to be installed somewhere.
 If this directory does not exist it will be created.)
[/home/ircd/unrealircd] ->

What should the default permissions for your configuration files be? (Set this to 0 to disable)
It is strongly recommended that you use 0600 to prevent unwanted reading of the file
[0600] ->

If you want, you can manually enter the path to OpenSSL/LibreSSL here.
In most cases you can leave this blank and it will be detected automatically.

[] ->
Do you want to enable remote includes?
This allows stuff like this in your configuration file:
include "";
[No] ->
Do you want to enable prefixes for chanadmin and chanowner?
This will give +a the & prefix and ~ for +q (just like +o is @)
Supported by the major clients (mIRC, xchat, epic, eggdrop, Klient,
PJIRC, irssi, CGI:IRC, etc.)
This feature should be enabled/disabled network-wide.
[Yes] ->

How far back do you want to keep the nickname history?
[100] ->

What is the maximum number of sockets (and file descriptors) that
UnrealIRCd may use?
It is recommended to leave this at the default setting 'auto',
which at present results in a limit of up to 16384, depending on
the system. When you boot UnrealIRCd later you will always see
the effective limit.
[9999999] ->

Would you like to pass any custom parameters to configure?
Most people don't need this and can just press ENTER.
Otherwise, see `./configure --help' and write them here:
[] ->

Running with 4 concurrent build processes by default (make -j4).
./configure --with-showlistmodes --enable-ssl --with-maxconnections=9999999 --with-bindir=/home/ircd/unrealircd/bin --with-datadir=/home/ircd/unrealircd/data --with-pidfile=/home/ircd/unrealircd/data/ --with-confdir=/home/ircd/unrealircd/conf --with-modulesdir=/home/ircd/unrealircd/modules --with-logdir=/home/ircd/unrealircd/logs --with-cachedir=/home/ircd/unrealircd/cache --with-docdir=/home/ircd/unrealircd/doc --with-tmpdir=/home/ircd/unrealircd/tmp --with-privatelibdir=/home/ircd/unrealircd/lib --with-scriptdir=/home/ircd/unrealircd --with-nick-history=100 --with-permissions=0600 --enable-dynamic-linking
configure: error: working directory cannot be determined
I'm not sure what is going on here, it may be a bug with the latest version. I dont believe this is an issue with my installation environment as this is a fresh installation of my vps, I only had installed a few things and didnt screw around with anything os wise.
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Jun 15, 2021 3:53 am

Re: configure: error: working directory cannot be determined

Post by FreakAnon »

actually, this does appear to be an issue with my installation environment, I still dont have a fix for it yet though. as attempting to install doesnt work. (Which it did work before on the same os version, using same hosting provider)
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Joined: Sat Mar 06, 2004 8:57 pm
Location: .nl

Re: configure: error: working directory cannot be determined

Post by Syzop »

Have not seen this before. Indeed, goes beyond unrealircd. A google search on "configure: error: working directory cannot be determined" shows more people with the problem, not with unrealircd but other software, and usually the machine / build environment is blamed, presumably something with the current directory or the entire path to it. Eg people where cd "$(pwd)" gives a permission denied error, that sort of weirdness.
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