Original post:
We are envisioning an "admin panel" where IRCOps would be able to do a number of server tasks, starting with:
- Status overview / dashboard
- Spamfilter and *LINE management: that would be a lot easier via the web than on IRC
The admin panel would be installed on a (web)server and would connect to UnrealIRCd using the new JSON-RPC API that is currently being developed. It does not have to run on the same machine as UnrealIRCd.
We are looking for webdevs who would like to help out on the HTML/CSS and the coding-side. Do you have experience with web development and do you have time this summer to work on this? If you do, what would you prefer/suggest?
Original questions:
- Which language/environment to use? PHP? NodeJS? Python?
- Which coding framework should be used? Eg in case of PHP: Laravel, Symfony, ..? In case of JS/python... what?
- Which CSS/front end framework to use? Eg Bootstrap?
On our side we can help with getting people together, hosting it as an official (sub)project and exchanging ideas. On the technical side we can provide the right API calls and options in UnrealIRCd.
We have created a new channel #unreal-webpanel on irc.unrealircd.org (IRC TLS on port 6697) that we can use for the discussion. Or you can reply here on the forums.