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Problems with remote confs(?)

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 2:48 am
by r2
I am the administrator of a network that has 7 servers currently. We use remote confs for smoother network management. For the past 3 days, during daily updates, when I do a global /rehash, all servers pass the rehash without any problem, while one server, gives errors in ALL confs, starting from line 1 (which is usually a comment describing the contents of the conf).
What I don't understand is why the shared confs also turn out to have errors, according to this server.
Has this ever happened to you guys? Can anyone help me understand where the problem is? I've even tried clearing local caches, I've even reinstalled Unreal, the problem persists. Again, all the other 6 servers have no problem, this one does though.

Kind regards,

Re: Problems with remote confs(?)

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 4:56 am
by DonTCry

You need to give some more info:

what version is installed
what errors do you get
have you enabled remote includes during ./Config

Re: Problems with remote confs(?)

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 1:18 pm
by r2
Oh, yes, sorry.

Version: 6.0.4
I enabled remotes during the ./Config (until 1 week ago the rehash was going well, suddenly, it broke out)

The only error is: "Extra data detected. Check for a missing ; character at or around line 1"

It should be mentioned that this error is repeated for ALL confs and for ALL lines of confs; and again, confs are shared except: admin.conf; mlines.conf; plines.conf; cnlines.conf.

If the missing ";" problem were real, the other 6 servers should show the same errors, plus, as mentioned in the previous post, line 1 generally is a comment explaining what that conf contains.

Re: Problems with remote confs(?)

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 1:57 pm
by r2
Last night I did a bit of troubleshooting, up to reinstalling the OS (debian 11), with the clean spot I started to slowly add some of the configurations that each of our servers connected to the network has (by Linking policies), and strangely enough, returning the server 1:1 to how it was before the reinstall, it still managed to start without showing any errors.

I tried installing both Debian 10 (the machine's original OS) and then Debian 11. With Debian 10, the problem persisted, even with a clean machine; with Debian 11, despite restoring all the rules we use by default on our network (so rules that existed on the server even when Debian 10 was there), Unreal started up successfully.

Other pecularity: When I requested with the "wget" a remote conf, 1 time out of 5 it was downloaded correctly, the rest of the times an html page was downloaded in which it only asked to "wait for the request to be verified".
It has to be said that on the server where all the remote confs are hosted, the IPs of our servers are whitelisted, so they are free of download/upload request limits, but evidently during the retrive of the confs in bulk with a "./unrealircd start", it was as if access to the server where the confs are hosted was blocked ( test done with Debian 10 -> with Debian 11 this problem ceased to exist)

I still didn't understand where the problem was, for a moment I thought about the misconfigured IP Failover/firewall, but it must be said that all our servers adopt the same system configurations, and only this server gave problems... So, sorry guys, for those who will see this topic hoping for a smarter solution than OS reinstall, but I unfortunately didn't find it, despite hours of troubleshooting.

Kind regards,