UnrealIRCd 6.0.4-rc1 available for testing

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UnrealIRCd head coder
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UnrealIRCd 6.0.4-rc1 available for testing

Post by Syzop »

The release candidate for 6.0.4 is now available for testing. You can help us by testing and reporting any issues at https://bugs.unrealircd.org/.

Lots of enhancements are made in the area of security groups and mask items in the configuration file, giving a lot of flexibility. Other notable feature enhancements are in the area of JSON logging, IRCv3 +draft/channel-context support, and more. Several bugs were fixed.
See the release notes for information on all new features and fixes.

As always, you can download UnrealIRCd from unrealircd.org.
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